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n. (context inorganic chemistry English) Any of many silicate minerals, such as feldspar and zeolite, in which a proportion of the Si4+ ions are replaced by Al3+, the excess negative charge being balanced by extra sodium, potassium or calcium ions.


Aluminosilicate minerals are minerals composed of aluminium, silicon, and oxygen, plus countercations. They are a major component of kaolin and other clay minerals.

Andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite are naturally occurring aluminosilicate minerals that have the composition Al Si O. The triple point of the three polymorphs is located at a temperature of 500 °C and a pressure of 0.4 GPa. These three minerals are commonly used as index minerals in metamorphic rocks.

Hydrated aluminosilicate minerals are referred to as zeolites and are porous structures that are naturally occurring materials.

The catalyst silica-alumina is an amorphous substance which is not an aluminosilicate compound.

Usage examples of "aluminosilicate".

Evan was particularly taken with a bright yellow aluminosilicate bush that resembled four interlocking helixes.

Martian smectites were aluminosilicates, she found, meaning each unit of the clay had a sheet of aluminum octahedrals sandwiched between two sheets of silicon tetrahedrals.