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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Paramorph \Par"a*morph\, n. [Pref. para- + Gr. morfh` form.]

  1. (Min.) A kind of pseudomorph, in which there has been a change of physical characters, by a change in crystal structure without alteration of chemical composition, as the change of aragonite to calcite; called also allomorph.

  2. (Biol.) A taxonomic variant observed within a species, for which a more specific term has not been assigned. [PJC] -- par`a*mor"phic, a. -- par`a*mor"phous, a.


n. 1 (context chemistry English) Any of the different crystalline forms of a substance. 2 (context linguistics English) Any of the different phonological representations of a morpheme.

  1. n. any of several different crystalline forms of the same chemical compound; "calcium carbonate occurs in the allomorphs calcite and aragonite"

  2. a variant phonological representation of a morpheme; "the final sounds of `bets' and `beds' and `horses' and `oxen' are allomorphs of the English plural morpheme"


In linguistics, an ' allomorph' is a variant form of a morpheme, that is, when a unit of meaning varies in sound without changing meaning. The term allomorph explains the comprehension of phonological variations for specific morphemes.

Usage examples of "allomorph".

But the allomorph eradication process used a different, simpler technique for transferring DNA.

Gala immediately give me everything they have concerning the allomorph trait eradication and demiclone procedures that they developed for the Haluk.

Are you willing to obtain and hand over to Delegate Efrem Sontag all information pertaining to the allomorph trait eradication and demiclone procedures developed by Galapharma for the Haluk, including details and locations of all clandestine demiclone labs that were or are now in operation, plus the total number of human-Haluk demiclones produced there?

Emily Konigsberg that the only viral vector suitable for allomorph eradication therapy was not one under patent to Galapharma Amalgamated Concern.

Older studies of Haluk genetics confirm that the altered gene is not present in Haluk possessing the allomorph trait.

That, perhaps, would be learned by heart and reproduced elsewhere underground, imperfect memory blurring the sharp elegance but perhaps not wholly losing that name, in some allomorph or other.

That, perhaps, would be learned by heart and reproduced elsewhere underground, imperfect memory blurring the sharp elegance but perhaps not wholly losing that name, in some allomorph or other.

He had jowls not unlike those of his Caudillo and even allomorphs of those eyebrows.