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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ An airflow adjuster ensures that the suction power is controllable.
▪ Below this a valve closes, dividing the airflow to the engine so that it runs as two separate three cylinder units.
▪ However, turbulent airflow randomly alters the direction of lift on a flying wing.
▪ No diffuser - just a nozzle attachment to direct the airflow where you want it.
▪ The cells will initially be totally closed: as containers are added and the temperature rises, airflow will be increased.
▪ This is an unstable condition and the model will attempt to turn through 180° to face the direction of the airflow.
▪ This reduces the risk of airflow interference from kite to kite which at close quarters can have surprising effects!
▪ Today's forward thinking manufacturers are already offering systems which include self-washing filter units and energy efficient airflow patterns.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

airflow \air"flow`\ ([^a]r"fl[=o]`), n. 1. the flow of air.


n. any flow of air, especially the motion of air around a moving aircraft or aerofoil


n. the flow of air; "she adjusted the fan so that the airflow was directed right at her" [syn: air flow, flow of air]


In engineering, the airflow or air flow is a measurement of the amount of air per unit of time that flows through a particular device.

The amount of air can be measured by its volume or by its mass. Typically it is measured by volume, but for some applications it is necessary to measure it by mass. Air is a gas, meaning its volume can vary with temperature.

Usage examples of "airflow".

The sudden compression of air as the rammer thrust with the fleece could explode the residues of unburnt powder that was caked to the breech walls, so a gunner, wearing a leather thumbstall, pressed his thumb over the vent to stop the airflow.

Scientists have tethered birds in wind tunnels, photographed them with high-speed motion picture cameras, and found that on the upstroke, wings rotate back and up, with the leading edge on top and wingtip feathers open to decrease airflow resistance.

She had to force herself to think of the proximity of sharp hexalate blades which could rip gelsuit or airflow headpiece.

The ftimace box and the ducting began to shake as the airflow reversed, feeding fresh oxygen to the burning diesel fuel.

Thorn pushed himself as hard as he could, reversing the airflow in the other room and enlarging the force field to include the vent.

The aircraft yawed smartly to the left, angling the right wing more into the airflow, shuddered, and stopped rolling.

Fifteen lateral feet of the left side of the 727 was wide open, except for the ragged remains of the cargo door, now twisted and shredded and held in place by the off-center airflow Doc was creating over the top of the jet by yawing left.

Plots derived from space probe data and other sources show the Earth's magnetopause—the boundary of the magnetosphere—as a huge, teardrop-shaped bubble compressed to a bowshock front on the sunward side and extending outward more than ten Earth radii, around which the solar wind streams like the airflow around the body of a plane.

And at strategic points in the airflow, tacking against the wind, the aerostats began to shed paper.

The Yankees kept trying to model the airflows with inadequate computers, and we, we built a gigawatt of nuclear power stations, used the whole Dniester for cooling, to get that damned Mach-18 quarter-scale windtunnel.

The Terraforming Center, of course, its powerful force field generators at work, quite literally straining to turn the wind around, struggling to rechannel the planetary airflows into new and more beneficial patterns.

Some were preparing temporary electric power, some were moving supplies into position, and others were readying the temporary barriers that would divert important airflows from the main passages to the work areas.

The climate grew cooler still as new mountain chains blocked old airflows and dry land replaced swamps and inland seas.

He tried to imagine smoothing the airflow around the lifting body, easing the turbulence, soothing the laminar flow, and it almost seemed as though he were outside the ship, in a neuronet, a different neuronet, almost like smoothing the Winterlance's fusactor power flows.

I can detect a temperature variation in its area, because it slightly obstructs normal airflow.