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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a bank/mass of cloud (=a large block of cloud)
▪ A heavy bank of cloud was creeping across the sky.
a dense mass
▪ a dense mass of equatorial rainforest
a mass audience (=a very large number of people)
▪ Radio brought entertainment to a mass audience.
a mass demonstration (=involving a very large number of people)
▪ There have been mass demonstrations in some American cities.
a mass execution (=one in which many people are killed at the same time)
▪ Eleven convicted murderers were hanged in what was the country's biggest ever mass execution.
a mass grave (=one that is filled with many people, especially people killed in a war or people who died of a disease at a similar time)
▪ Plague victims were buried in a mass grave.
a mass protest (=one involving a lot of people)
▪ There were mass protests in the capital.
a mass rally (=a large rally)
▪ a mass rally of striking dockers
a mass/mop of curls (=a lot of curls)
▪ a gorgeous Italian man with a mass of dark curls
amorphous mass
▪ an amorphous mass of twisted metal
be a mass of flowers (=have a lot of flowers growing on every part)
▪ In spring, the valley is a mass of flowers.
body mass index
▪ Your body mass index is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters.
critical mass
▪ How can we get a critical mass of people involved to keep the club running?
High Mass
mass communication (=involving many people in a country, the world etc)
▪ Television, radio and other forms of mass communication have made the world a global village.
mass exodus
▪ I joined the mass exodus for drinks during the interval.
mass hysteria
▪ Since the general’s death, the population has been gripped by mass hysteria.
mass media
▪ The crime received heavy coverage in the mass media.
mass murder (=of a large number of people)
▪ Hitler was responsible for the largest mass murder in history.
mass murderer
mass picket (=one involving a lot of people)
▪ There was a mass picket by students outside the main office of the university.
mass production
mass suicide (=when many people commit suicide together)
▪ He ordered his followers to commit mass suicide.
mass transit
▪ The city has virtually no mass transit.
mass unemployment (=when very large numbers of people are unemployed)
▪ the mass unemployment of the 1930s
mass/large-scale redundancies
▪ The company is preparing large-scale redundancies at its British factories.
mass/popular entertainment (=popular with large numbers of people)
▪ Reality TV has been a very successful form of mass entertainment.
the mass media (=television, newspapers etc, which are seen by many people)
▪ The mass media has helped to call attention to environmental issues.
weapons of mass destruction (=weapons intended to cause a lot of death and destruction)
▪ The country is believed to have the potential to develop weapons of mass destruction.
weapons of mass destruction
▪ Analyzing each of the members of the critical mass with regard to readiness and capability.
▪ But from 1992 until today a critical mass of the people and teams at Magma Metals have delivered unprecedented performance and change.
▪ He was practically laughing out loud as Ali reached critical mass.
▪ By using critical mass and monolithic buying power, we can change the way we do business.
▪ Some 1950 million years ago, sufficient uranium was precipitated from solutions in the rocks at Oklo to reach critical mass.
▪ The clusters helped recruit businesses, created the critical mass needed to start programs, and provided work-based learning opportunities for students.
▪ Soon a critical mass of investment was achieved, a pattern established and documented.
▪ Clouds crept up silently like assassins from the southwest and gathered in a dark and threatening mass.
▪ A dark mass trudged towards the entrance to the mill, lit by two lanterns.
▪ She ran her fingers through the dark mass of her hair and let out a deep sigh.
▪ Sliding down the rails, a large dark mass was coming towards them.
▪ I looked round to glimpse the dark mass of Royston Manor and the swaying corpse of the hanged man caught my glance.
▪ It showed a dark mass close to the front of the skull.
▪ Then he recognised the darker mass of the dinghy against the white foam.
▪ I gaze at the island, a dark mass against the still-light sky.
▪ In order to achieve a high speed the mass of propellant burnt must be much greater than the mass of the rocket.
▪ The great mass of people, at least by the standards of our time, had little.
▪ For although the great mass of its membership was working class, it also embraced an increasing section of the industrial bourgeoisie.
▪ Some felt like insignificant ants in a great mass of urban workers.
▪ But the Jenkins family, part of the great mass, were trapped in the middle of it.
▪ But the great mass of students were drifting through, as Che or Simeon had done.
▪ These great masses moved steadily, noiselessly and always in the same direction.
▪ The ground shook beneath the steady marching of the great mass of men and the tread of thousands of hoofs.
▪ In order to achieve a high speed the mass of propellant burnt must be much greater than the mass of the rocket.
▪ That dame would break up a high mass.
▪ The transport energy penalty of a high-mass construction was described above.
▪ No words to it, just the music they play at benediction after the high mass.
▪ The high-mass room has the following volumes of material available for storing heat.
▪ The blocks of high land are masses of granite, called batholiths, except Exmoor which is made of sandstone.
▪ This approach reinforces the idea of a very high level of insulation, coupled with high thermal mass.
▪ Separate from these groups was the large mass of youth whose clothes were chain store versions of traditional styles.
▪ It was the largest mass murder ever on U.S. soil.
▪ Competition between a large mass of parasites and the host for nutrients may be the underlying cause of this weight loss.
▪ Such ease of access means that very large masses of asteroid materials can be returned to the vicinity of Earth.
▪ More neurons are needed to control their larger muscle mass and to collect data from their extra sensors.
▪ Sliding down the rails, a large dark mass was coming towards them.
▪ Matter in large masses must always be fixed and dear; form is cheap and transportable.
▪ In space it still has a large mass and so requires a large force to get it moving.
▪ From the observed orbit of the visible star, one can determine the lowest possible mass of the unseen object.
▪ As the process of decay continues, amines of lower and lower molecular mass are produced.
▪ The Landsberger method can be used to determine the molar mass of the dissolved solute.
▪ Variations in shape are found for different molar masses and when the sample is crosslinked or partly crystalline.
▪ The molar mass can then be calculated from where K * is the calibration constant.
▪ The molar mass of a liquid which is immiscible with water can be calculated from steam distillation data.
▪ Fractions of increasing molar mass are collected from the bottom of the column.
▪ Calculate the molar mass of phenylamine.
▪ Samples are separated according to functionality or chemical composition as well as molar mass.
▪ A useful approach was proposed by Schulz who suggested that a cumulative mass fraction be plotted against the molar mass.
▪ The approximate molecular masses of the bands were calculated from the migration of known standards.
▪ The van't Hoff equation can be used to determine the relative molecular mass from experimentally determined values of osmotic pressure.
▪ Calculate the relative molecular mass of Y. 2.
▪ The method is particularly useful for determining the average relative molecular masses of polymers and other macromolecular substances.
▪ Describe an experiment by which you would determine the relative molecular mass of a gas or vapour.
▪ Protein EP1242L has a deduced molecular mass of 139.9 kDa, and an isoelectric point of 7.3.
▪ The ratio between the integrated peak areas for each subunit was determined and corrected for the molecular mass of each subunit.
▪ The van't Hoff equation can be used to determine the relative molecular mass from experimentally determined values of osmotic pressure.
▪ Calculate the relative molecular mass of Y. 2.
▪ The method is particularly useful for determining the average relative molecular masses of polymers and other macromolecular substances.
▪ Describe an experiment by which you would determine the relative molecular mass of a gas or vapour.
▪ Its relative molecular mass is 142.5.
▪ The relative molecular masses of non-volatile substances can be determined experimentally by colligative methods.
▪ The relative molecular mass of NaCl determined from the elevation of boiling point is thus approximately half that calculated from its formula.
▪ To the Gaijin rear Jotan's five hundred were a solid mass cutting off the line of retreat.
▪ The drained curd, now a solid mass, is turned out of the muslin and the really hard work of milling begins.
▪ Walls can be cut half-way down or at either side to form dividing slabs rather than solid masses.
▪ The hygroscopic mixture got damp; when the humidity went down again it caked into an intractable solid mass.
▪ No attempt has been made to increase the thermal mass beyond the dimensions that would be necessary in normal construction.
▪ This suggests that it will need thermal mass to make the best use of the intermittent heat gains that it receives.
▪ Any discussion of space heating should also consider the thermal mass of the house.
▪ The effect of thermal mass on the overall space-heating energy demand of a house can be significant.
▪ This assumption omits any effects from both solar gains and thermal mass.
▪ At this point the calculations of thermal mass made earlier come into play.
▪ Table 4.11 showed the conclusions that were reached about the thermal mass of various constructional options for the hypothetical room.
▪ This approach reinforces the idea of a very high level of insulation, coupled with high thermal mass.
▪ The solution of Einstein's equation in this case is the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation: where M is the total mass given by.
▪ Typically the biggest fragment produced by breakup is 10 to 50 percent of the total mass.
▪ Table 6.12 itemizes the various mass elements used in the house, and shows their relative contributions to the total mass.
▪ The total mass of carbon works out to about ten tons per person.
▪ Number and diameter as indicators of the total stone mass seem to be important determinants with regard to complete stone disappearance.
▪ Unfortunately, there is as yet no basis for estimating their total number or total mass.
▪ The fully fuelled Saturn V sitting on the launch pad had a total mass some 56 times that of the Apollo spacecraft.
▪ It is that when the spring is coiled, the total mass of that jack-in-the-box is increased as a result.
▪ The vast mass of peasantry could be neutralized by promising land reforms.
▪ The entire economically problematical process of exporting vast masses of material from the Moon is neatly avoided.
▪ Such an economy was highly dependent on a vast mass of skilled labour and a greater horde of the lesser skilled.
▪ Large explosions heat vast masses of the atmosphere to such high temperatures that nitrogen is partially burned to make toxic nitrogen oxides.
▪ The Secretary was also responsible for collecting and storing the vast and increasing mass of information required by sixteenth-century governments.
▪ These results did not differ when acid output was expressed as mmol/h/kg lean body mass or mmol/h/kg fat free body weight.
▪ A more accurate assessment can be gained by calculating your body mass index or your percentage of body fat.
▪ The body mass index is the most commonly used method for classifying obesity.
▪ But I could tell they were soldiers who relied primarily on body mass and muscle strength and seemingly superior weapons.
▪ What determines the cost of movement are speed and body mass.
▪ The Diet Center monitors your body composition and works on improving your ratio of lean body mass to fat.
▪ The right side of the formula is smaller for animals with greater body mass.
▪ The Problem of Body Size At this stage body mass - or size - looms ever larger in importance.
▪ It is in just those few cells in the inner cell mass that we have our origins.
▪ The patterning problem here is what specifies which cells will form the trophoblast and which cells will form the inner cell mass.
▪ Fermanagh the Carboniferous sediments thin northwards against the land mass from which they were derived.
▪ First, it is linked with the East by a broadening continental land mass.
▪ The shelves come to an abrupt stop as the protruding land masses plunge into the depths.
▪ State boundaries are haphazardly drawn across land masses and linguistic, cultural and ethnic lines.
▪ That was Uulaa-la, the dominant city on the planets dominant land mass.
▪ For Mahan sea power was critical, for Mackinder a particular land mass.
▪ In time, the tourist hordes will be drawn to the mountains that cover most of its land mass.
▪ The same processes could explain how related species appeared on widely separated land masses.
▪ The extent of the impact of mass media on our perception of reality has been difficult to assess.
▪ Burt an the Yurt-man, a mass murderer and chicken-farm burner.
▪ He had gone, as usual, to celebrate Sunday mass.
▪ Thirteen churches in the Louth-South Armagh border zone have been asked not to celebrate Sunday mass.
▪ The question as to whether an unchaste priest might celebrate the mass became important.
▪ It also allowed the rocket to settle under the stresses produced by the mass of propellant.
▪ The Linotype machine and high-capacity rotary press produced mass circulation newspapers, which-until radio and television came along-largely replaced personal-encounter politics.
▪ Mass CustomizationIndividually customized products produced on a mass scale.
▪ I would disagree with Juliette that feminism doesn't reach the masses of women's lives.
▪ I saw myself reaching into that mass and grabbing a big handful and squeezing.
▪ He was practically laughing out loud as Ali reached critical mass.
▪ Some thing or things have to happen for a microbe to escape its previously harmless ecological niche and reach critical mass.
▪ Some 1950 million years ago, sufficient uranium was precipitated from solutions in the rocks at Oklo to reach critical mass.
▪ Table 4.11 showed the conclusions that were reached about the thermal mass of various constructional options for the hypothetical room.
▪ It had managed to reach the mass of people and make them aware of possible means of tackling their problems.
the mass media
▪ A mass of people stood before the courthouse.
▪ The bus station was a seething mass of people.
▪ A mass of bodies scrambled over the shelves, everybody was shouting at one another and books were being thrown in all directions.
▪ Aerobic exercise and reduced-calorie diets produce weight loss, but reduce the resting metabolic rate because they do not maintain muscle mass.
▪ Balustraded verandas surmounted each level, and a succession of towers projected from the mass of the building.
▪ Soon afterwards, as in the Western Middle Ages, there were masses of peasant serfs, and great feudal States.
▪ The mass is apparently about right, and the Z o has appeared at just the right frequency.
▪ What would he say of the masses of modern art that you have to plug in in order to fully appreciate?
▪ Only a society in which people feel secure in their peer groups can bring about such mass action from below.
▪ They do not yet see the need or possibility of broader mass actions, the scope of which would reach revolutionary proportions.
▪ The conference called for mass action in support of a transitional government and for a constitutional assembly to negotiate the new constitution.
▪ In terms of mass appeal rugby comes fourth after Gaelic football, hurling and soccer.
▪ And academic recognition particularly so, because mass appeal and intellectualism so seldom meet on the same plane.
▪ These ideas were expounded to mass audiences.
▪ Only television can reach a truly mass audience.
▪ This is to be avoided at all costs if the channel is to remain a mass audience broadcaster.
▪ The mass audiences and the technology for reaching them are what give the press and electronic media their character as mass media.
▪ Radio brought entertainment to a mass audience, in particular light musical entertainment: it produced the age of the great dance bands.
▪ At present, radio is the only communication medium in the country which has achieved a mass audience.
▪ Today the terrible injustice done to those prisoners reaches a mass audience.
▪ The new audience was a mass audience but no previous audience in history had ever been given so much careful attention.
▪ The only game in town was mass circulation, and that was to be achieved by NoS becoming an aggressively popular tabloid.
▪ In quest of mass circulation and advertising support, the major city newspapers gradually developed a tradition of political and journalistic independence.
▪ Sadly, commentators and writers in the mass circulation dailies sometimes lack the ability to discriminate.
▪ The very fact they are bought and read daily by millions of people gives mass circulation newspapers an undeniable political role.
▪ Perhaps a government subsidy, sourced from entertainment tax, should have been applied in the interests of mass circulation.
▪ The offeror must then publicise this intention in a mass circulation newspaper or by some other means approved by the supervisory authority.
▪ Thirdly, there are certain aspects of mass communication which are sometimes overlooked in media education.
▪ Almost every photographic aberration is now legible because of its constant recurrence in all the vehicles of visual mass communication.
▪ That sort of mistake was almost inconceivable, in an age of mass communications.
▪ The second great new agent of mass communication was the radio.
▪ It is the most powerful medium for mass communication so far devised.
▪ The seminar is open to people involved in mass communication and theological training from around the world.
▪ New religious ideas and moral codes were made accessible by widescale immigration, cultural exchanges and mass communication.
▪ The three case studies illustrate different aspects of mass communication and society.
▪ Dependent on state patronage, Soviet official art was a public, epic, partisan art intended for mass consumption.
▪ To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
▪ How has jewellery fared in societies in which mass consumption prevails?
▪ There are two particular knowledge systems that attract the attention of critical theory: science and mass culture.
▪ Negativland is out to liberate mass culture from the hands of commerce.
▪ These values will mediate the impact of mass culture.
▪ Modern electronic technologies promote radical individualism, and mass culture controls national leaders much more than national leaders control the mass culture.
▪ In chapter 9, this will be reviewed in relation to the earlier critique of mass culture.
▪ Modern electronic technologies promote radical individualism, and mass culture controls national leaders much more than national leaders control the mass culture.
▪ It is hard to see why these considerations should have changed under mass culture.
▪ On April 3 mass demonstrations protesting at the killings took place throughout the Kathmandu area.
▪ Feb. 23-Chechen nationalists plan to hold mass demonstrations in Grozny, capital of the breakaway republic.
▪ Meanwhile the opposition threatened to resume mass demonstrations if an acceptable political agreement was not reached.
▪ On 16 November the 5 October route was traversed again, this time by a mass demonstration.
▪ A mass demonstration on the Means Test had petered out in confusion and each party blamed the other for its failure.
▪ The mass demonstrations demanded his resignation, the abrogation of the socialist constitution, a national conference and a new constitution.
▪ Has there been an improvement in stopping smuggling and building weapons of mass destruction?
▪ In July 1834, rioting against abolitionists in New York City resulted in mass destruction of the black section.
▪ Inevitably, worldwide control over the use of weapons of mass destruction will create new political and military dangers.
▪ What had arrived now really was mass entertainment.
▪ In the process it invented mass entertainment, the 10-lane freeway and smog.
▪ Murdoch's motivation was simply profit, and his cynical attitude had already led to a mass exodus of high-minded journalists.
▪ Dissatisfaction, exacerbated by the non-payment of the usual bonuses, led to a mass exodus and mutiny.
▪ The social and economic consequences of mass exodus for the countries receiving those affected will be examined.
▪ The Politburo issued a statement regretting for the first time the mass exodus to the West.
▪ Most sombre of all is the tomb over the mass grave of the R-101 victims at Cardington, Bedfordshire.
▪ In Los Mochis, meanwhile, bodies are being exhumed from the mass graves one by one as they are identified.
▪ Village residents stated that at least 100 people had been murdered and buried in mass graves in the area.
▪ But the tombs were empty; the bodies had been bulldozed into mass graves in the south, where they had fallen.
▪ Arms and legs, some of which still moved, were sticking out of the mass graves.
▪ Discovery of Stalinist victims' graves During March a number of mass graves were found near former concentration camps or prisoner-of-war camps.
▪ They were digging a mass grave.
▪ Total confusion reigns supreme, and an atmosphere close to mass hysteria ensues.
▪ But the news of serial killings last year led to near mass hysteria.
▪ I've never before or since seen instant mass hysteria to match it.
▪ Was this all just a matter of runaway credulity, mass hysteria, or overwrought salesmanship?
▪ All they had in common was their sense of urgency: the mass hysteria that characterizes the week before Christmas.
▪ Obesity can increase nocturnal hypoxaemia, and we found a positive relation between body mass index and the presence of oedema.
▪ Body mass index is a measurement of height and weight that is used to determine obesity.
▪ A direct relation between body mass index and the risk of gall bladder disease has been described.
▪ The body mass index is a convenient measure on which to make this judgment.
▪ Group mean body mass index in hypertensive men rose from 28.4 to 29.4, and in controls from 26.4 to 27.4.
▪ The degree of glucose intolerance for any given birth weight was influenced independently by body mass index in adulthood.
▪ Waist-hip ratio, age and body mass index were separately related to probability of conception per cycle.
▪ Unfortunately, material legitimizing drugs can be found in music, film, television, the Internet and mass market outlets.
▪ The 500 is obviously the unit for the mass market, so that's the one I looked at.
▪ Dolby Digital, the next generation in surround-sound, is coming to the mass market.
▪ In 1996 desktop computer software will allow two-way conversations, bringing the technology to the mass market.&038;.
▪ Honda admits the model introduction is more a subsidized experiment than mass market pitch.
▪ The Midland, however, cannily saw the profit to be made from exploiting the potential mass market and led the way.
▪ The market is now the mass market.
▪ The conflict was regularly reported in the mass media and had a serious effect on public confidence in the party.
▪ And this was a case of mass media manipulation.
▪ Like the mass media, popular prints perpetuated escapist, conservative and conformist ideals and outlooks.
▪ The fifth reason was that mixed feelings seemed to exist about the mass media generally and radio in particular.
▪ No real political issues ever debated in the mass media?
▪ The mass media and particularly television can create the aura of charisma around people of otherwise unexceptional personality.
▪ I am particularly looking forward to giving a different kind of news to the press and mass media from here.
▪ But the mass media do not single-handedly give shape to the contours of the political system.
▪ Might advertising be regarded as a mass medium on similar grounds?
▪ Here, his old taste for face-to-face encounters was complemented by his mastery of the new mass medium of television.
▪ The Manchester Guardian was a mass medium in Manchester from its foundation in 1821.
▪ Or is film, not cinema, the mass medium?
▪ The same product, the Sun, can thus be described in several different ways as a mass medium.
▪ Radio had only recently developed into a mass medium for news and entertainment.
▪ There was then a deep distrust throughout the party. as Law discovered in 1920: Bonar addressed a mass meeting.
▪ One of the frequent mass meetings attended by workers was taking place.
▪ Workers were given the grim news by union officials at a mass meeting.
▪ Time allowed 05:41 Read in studio A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable.
▪ To his disgust he found that the workers would no longer respond to his call for mass meetings during working hours.
▪ In mid-November another mass meeting reaffirmed the Naythuyein resolutions and called for the dissolution of the recently formed Governor's Council.
▪ For a while it organised mass meetings outside Eastbourne and Rye and sought to push up wages during the harvest season.
▪ Divorced from the mass movement, a revolutionary cadre becomes a sect.
▪ They also made it clear that the party fears that New Forum and other opposition groups could turn into mass movements.
▪ Divorced from the program of revolutionary Marxism, cadres immersed in the mass movement eventually succumb to opportunism.
▪ The revolution of 1905 saw Social Democracy become a truly mass movement, and Bolshevik influence rose rapidly.
▪ That is why we have not become a stronger mass movement.
▪ Only a few manometric studies have attempted to characterise the motility patterns associated with mass movements.
▪ At the time, however, the opportunity for an alliance failed to trigger a new mass movement.
▪ But the intentional mass murder of innocent people is not.
▪ On these pretexts they were subjected to recurring cycles of violence, mass expulsion, and mass murder.
▪ The fugitives, two of whom have been recaptured, are accused of genocide, mass murder and other crimes.
▪ Too few for Hello! magazine, maybe, but too many in a book about the mass murder of innocent people.
▪ His 12-year reign of terror left 26,000 dead in assassinations, mass murders and car bombings, nearly destroying the state.
▪ So chance played a part in the mass murder, did it?
▪ Why are we asked to apologize to apologists of mass murder?
▪ The Aramoana incident was the country's worst case of mass murder.
▪ But at this moment Kate could not have cared less if he was a mass murderer.
▪ That year, Esquire magazine sent contributing editor Philip Caputo to Stockton to discover what might have motivated the mass murderer.
▪ The art of a mass murderer.
▪ I was sitting with my feet up, watching a film about a puerto Rican mass murderer.
▪ The puerto Rican mass murderer was letting off a pump-action shotgun into a bus queue in downtown Los Angeles.
▪ Especially when I am watching puerto Rican mass murderers.
▪ Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
▪ The families of mass murderer Allitt's victims are also demanding that any inquiry be held in public.
▪ In this he was undoubtedly assisted by problems within both mass parties.
▪ It is important to distinguish the various ways in which mass parties were created.
▪ Their analysis is: get real, the high electoral turnouts and mass parties of the postwar period were an aberration.
▪ Hence the parliamentary leaders dominated the mass party, which was conceived only as a means for contesting elections.
▪ However, on 18 June, a secretly organised mass picket caught the police momentarily off guard.
▪ There was also a mass picket by supporters outside the Home Office.
▪ Events at this picket were to shape the character of the next major mass picket of Hadfields on 12 March.
▪ In Nottinghamshire and adjacent Warwickshire and Leicestershire, pits continued to operate, despite physical intimidation by mass pickets.
▪ Further violent demonstrations by mass pickets led to £525,000 additional fines being imposed.
▪ The mass production enterprise is a case in point.
▪ The years 1880 to 1930 were shaped by the spread of electric power, mass production, and democracy.
▪ Second-pass silicon will sample in the third quarter, with mass production coming by the end of the year.
▪ Why commission a craftsman to labour for weeks on a design of guitar that was specifically intended for mass production?
▪ In the commercial horticultural field, the mass production of pot plants has been facilitated through cloning.
▪ For skill, both craft and continuous-flow production require a higher proportion of skilled workers than machine minding and mass production.
▪ The dominance of mass production meant that this was a system characterized by large plants.
▪ These childhood emotional relationships are further engendered by the integration into the authority pattern that is essential to mass production.
▪ Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
▪ Meanwhile, ramblers are planning a mass protest at the site.
▪ Parliament is an inadequate means to secure change; there must be mass protest on the streets.
▪ In these conditions, to encourage mass protest over which they would have no control appeared sheer lunacy.
▪ He wanted a campaign of direct action and mass protest, not an organisation which would take up individual cases of discrimination.
▪ There were mass protests in the capital, Manila.
▪ On Nov. 22 more than 150,000 people in Lomé had held a mass rally in support of the strike.
▪ There were no mass rallies attended by thousands of the enthusiastic or the curious.
▪ Opposition demonstration A mass rally organized by 12 opposition groups was held in Lomé, the capital, on Feb. 9.
▪ It can cover anything from giving a church sermon to holding a mass rally.
▪ On 22 April there was a mass rally at the Albert Hall where Mosley addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.
▪ The mass rally now became a powerful expression of national feeling.
▪ However, these are insufficient to detract from a very readable and extensive account of modern mass spectrometry.
▪ Unfortunately the book was completed too soon to reflect the enormous impact of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry on biology.
▪ Biomolecular applications are given due prominence, as befits an area where mass spectrometry has made such spectacular progress.
▪ C is to measure the number of atoms present, or a proportion of them, by mass spectrometry.
▪ This chapter also includes an introduction to the combination of wet chemistry and mass spectrometry.
▪ OxA dates were measured by accelerator mass spectrometry, other dates are conventional ages.
▪ There is no mention of environmentally important techniques as gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, etc.
▪ This conclusion is supported by an overwhelming number of applications that are almost impossible to solve without the use of mass spectrometry.
▪ Third, there is the growing recognition that Labour could not carry through a radical programme of change without mass support.
▪ Most of its partisans had focused mainly on military actions, neglecting political efforts necessary to mobilize mass support.
▪ It saw federal, rather than centralised, structures as the only way to build mass support and ensure accountability and democracy.
▪ As well as being deficient in mass support, the Republican politicians who numerically dominated the Provisional Government lacked unity amongst themselves.
▪ Ten percent would threaten him, as Inkatha's militancy is not matched by mass support throughout the country.
▪ However, the Federation used its local mass support to carry the campaign further.
▪ Air travel was growing rapidly, while the role of mass transit on the ground was shrinking almost everywhere.
▪ Given Tucson's low-density development, creating an affordable and effective mass transit system remains a nearly insurmountable challenge.
▪ In mass transit, private bus companies spend considerable sums to influence legislatures, to get and keep their contracts.
▪ Cindy was at home with the children and George worked as a driver for the local mass transit authority.
▪ If there were a comprehensive, integrated mass transit system here, fewer people would drive their own cars.
▪ Instead of better mass transit, they try to make cars a bit more efficient.
▪ Also, will more efficient personal transportation detract from incentives to invest in mass transit?
▪ The implication of the ad was that Labour had produced mass unemployment and the Tories would cure it.
▪ It was the last upswing before the onset of slump, stagnation and mass unemployment.
▪ But that knowledge has been buried in the war of words which has accompanied mass unemployment.
▪ First, the advent of mass unemployment.
▪ These same governments have been and continue to be the cause of mass unemployment and emigration.
▪ The impact of the trenches and of mass unemployment in 1930s Stockton gave him decent enough values.
▪ With mass unemployment, means-tested supplementary benefit is the new mass benefit for the unemployed.
mass destruction
▪ a mass grave
▪ Annie has a degree in mass communications.
▪ Air travel was growing rapidly, while the role of mass transit on the ground was shrinking almost everywhere.
▪ At the Pavilion in Bournemouth there was a mass walk out of about 200 disgusted people.
▪ Daily newspapers are now becoming popular, providing the first phase of what will later become known as the mass media.
▪ Frankish soldiers commit a terrible mass execution of defiant Saxons at Verden.
▪ In spite of local differences, modern mass society was beginning to appear.
▪ The mass payback continues to improve with each additional mission.
▪ Today, just a few years after musical compact discs hit the mass market, the long box is history.
▪ Large numbers of women massed behind a single women's rights issue.
▪ According to some reports both countries then began massing troops in the region.
▪ Most of our archers were massing in the gatehouse, shooting at those trying to force an entry.
▪ The animals which fought there gave little heed to defence; they massed around them and tried to engulf them.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mass \Mass\, n. [OE. masse, F. masse, L. massa; akin to Gr. ? a barley cake, fr. ? to knead. Cf. Macerate.]

  1. A quantity of matter cohering together so as to make one body, or an aggregation of particles or things which collectively make one body or quantity, usually of considerable size; as, a mass of ore, metal, sand, or water.

    If it were not for these principles, the bodies of the earth, planets, comets, sun, and all things in them, would grow cold and freeze, and become inactive masses.
    --Sir I. Newton.

    A deep mass of continual sea is slower stirred To rage.

  2. (Phar.) A medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump, of consistency suitable for making pills; as, blue mass.

  3. A large quantity; a sum.

    All the mass of gold that comes into Spain.
    --Sir W. Raleigh.

    He had spent a huge mass of treasure.
    --Sir J. Davies.

  4. Bulk; magnitude; body; size.

    This army of such mass and charge.

  5. The principal part; the main body.

    Night closed upon the pursuit, and aided the mass of the fugitives in their escape.
    --Jowett (Thucyd.).

  6. (Physics) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume.

    Note: Mass and weight are often used, in a general way, as interchangeable terms, since the weight of a body is proportional to its mass (under the same or equal gravitative forces), and the mass is usually ascertained from the weight. Yet the two ideas, mass and weight, are quite distinct. Mass is the quantity of matter in a body; weight is the comparative force with which it tends towards the center of the earth. A mass of sugar and a mass of lead are assumed to be equal when they show an equal weight by balancing each other in the scales.

    Blue mass. See under Blue.

    Mass center (Geom.), the center of gravity of a triangle.

    Mass copper, native copper in a large mass.

    Mass meeting, a large or general assembly of people, usually a meeting having some relation to politics.

    The masses, the great body of the people, as contrasted with the higher classes; the populace.


Mass \Mass\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Massed; p. pr. & vb. n. Massing.] To celebrate Mass. [Obs.]


Mass \Mass\, v. t. To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into masses; to assemble.

But mass them together and they are terrible indeed.


Mass \Mass\ (m[.a]s), n. [OE. masse, messe, AS. m[ae]sse. LL. missa, from L. mittere, missum, to send, dismiss: cf. F. messe. In the ancient churches, the public services at which the catechumens were permitted to be present were called missa catechumenorum, ending with the reading of the Gospel. Then they were dismissed with these words : ``Ite, missa est'' [sc. ecclesia], the congregation is dismissed. After that the sacrifice proper began. At its close the same words were said to those who remained. So the word gave the name of Mass to the sacrifice in the Catholic Church. See Missile, and cf. Christmas, Lammas, Mess a dish, Missal.]

  1. (R. C. Ch.) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host.

  2. (Mus.) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition; -- namely, the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, besides sometimes an Offertory and the Benedictus.

    Canon of the Mass. See Canon.

    High Mass, Mass with incense, music, the assistance of a deacon, subdeacon, etc.

    Low Mass, Mass which is said by the priest throughout, without music.

    Mass bell, the sanctus bell. See Sanctus.

    Mass book, the missal or Roman Catholic service book.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to gather in a mass" (intransitive), 1560s, from mass (n.1) or from French masser. Transitive sense by c.1600. Related: Massed; massing.


"Eucharistic service," Old English mæsse, from Vulgar Latin *messa "eucharistic service," literally "dismissal," from Late Latin missa "dismissal," fem. past participle of mittere "to let go, send" (see mission); probably so called from the concluding words of the service, Ite, missa est, "Go, (the prayer) has been sent," or "Go, it is the dismissal." Sometimes glossed in Old English as sendnes "send-ness."


"lump, quantity, size," late 14c., from Old French masse "lump, heap, pile; crowd, large amount; ingot, bar" (11c.), and directly from Latin massa "kneaded dough, lump, that which adheres together like dough," probably from Greek maza "barley cake, lump, mass, ball," related to massein "to knead," from PIE root *mag- "to knead" (source of Lithuanian minkyti "to knead," see macerate). Sense extended in English 1580s to "a large quantity, amount, or number." Strict sense in physics is from 1704.\n

\nAs an adjective from 1733, first attested in mass meeting in American English. mass culture is from 1916 in sociology (earlier in biology); mass hysteria is from 1914; mass media is from 1923; mass movement is from 1897; mass production is from 1920; mass grave is from 1918; mass murder from 1880.


Etymology 1

  1. 1 Involving a mass of things; concerning a large quantity or number. 2 Involving a mass of people; of, for, or by the masses. n. 1 (label en physical) Matter, material. 2 # A quantity of matter cohere together so as to make one body, or an aggregation of particles or things which collectively make one body or quantity, usually of considerable size; as, a mass of ore, metal, sand, or water. 3 # (label en obsolete) Precious metal, especially gold or silver. 4 # (label en physics) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume. It is one of four fundamental property of matter. It is measured in kilograms in the SI system of measurement. 5 # (label en pharmacy) A medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump, of consistency suitable for making pills; as, blue mass. 6 # (label en medicine) A palpable or visible abnormal globular structure; a tumor. 7 # (label en bodybuilding) Excess body weight, especially in the form of muscle hypertrophy. 8 A large quantity; a sum. 9 (label en quantity) Large in number. 10 # bulk; magnitude; body; size. 11 # The principal part; the main body. 12 # A large body of individuals, especially persons. 13 # (label en in the plural) The lower classes of persons. v

  2. 1 (context transitive English) To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into masses; to assemble. 2 (context intransitive English) To have a certain mass. Etymology 2

    n. 1 (context Christianity English) The eucharist, now especially in Roman Catholicism. 2 (context Christianity English) Celebration of the eucharist. 3 (context Christianity usually as ''the Mass'' English) The sacrament of the eucharist. 4 A musical setting of parts of the mass. vb. (context intransitive obsolete English) To celebrate mass.

  1. adj. occurring widely (as to many people); "mass destruction" [syn: large-scale]

  2. gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness" [syn: aggregate, aggregated, aggregative]

  3. [also: masses (pl)]

  1. v. join together into a mass or collect or form a mass; "Crowds were massing outside the palace"

  2. [also: masses (pl)]

  1. n. the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field

  2. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent; "a batch of letters"; "a deal of trouble"; "a lot of money"; "he made a mint on the stock market"; "it must have cost plenty" [syn: batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mess, mickle, mint, muckle, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad, whole lot, whole slew]

  3. an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)

  4. (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist

  5. a body of matter without definite shape; "a huge ice mass"

  6. the common people generally; "separate the warriors from the mass"; "power to the people" [syn: multitude, masses, hoi polloi, people]

  7. the property of something that is great in magnitude; "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"; "he received a mass of correspondence"; "the volume of exports" [syn: bulk, volume]

  8. a musical setting for a Mass; "they played a Mass composed by Beethoven"

  9. a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian eucharistic rite; "the priest said Mass"

  10. [also: masses (pl)]

Mass (disambiguation)

Mass is a physics term for one of three properties of matter.

Mass may also refer to:


The (pronounced ) or (pronounced ) is the Bavarian language word describing the amount of beer in a regulation mug, in modern times exactly .

is often used as an abbreviation for the handled drinking vessel containing it, a . Ubiquitous in Bavarian beer gardens and beer halls and a staple of Oktoberfest it is often acceptably referred to as a beer mug by English speakers but may only be a beer stein if made of stoneware and capable of holding a regulation Maß of beer.

Mass (Stravinsky)

Igor Stravinsky composed his Mass between 1944 and 1948. This 19-minute setting of the Roman Catholic Mass exhibits the austere, Neoclassic, anti- Romantic aesthetic that characterizes his work from about 1923 to 1951. The Mass also represents one of only a handful of extant pieces by Stravinsky that was not commissioned. As such, part of the motivation behind its composition has been cited by Robert Craft and others as the product of a spiritual necessity.

Mass (liturgy)

Mass is one of the names by which the sacrament of the Eucharist is commonly called in the Catholic Church, Western Rite Orthodox churches and many Old Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches, as well as some Methodist churches. Apart from "Eucharist" others are the "Lord's Supper", the "Breaking of Bread", the "Eucharistic assembly (synaxis)", the "memorial of the Lord's Passion and Resurrection", the "Holy Sacrifice", the "Holy and Divine Liturgy" and "Holy Communion". In these denominations, the term Mass often refers to the entire church service in general. Some Protestants employ terms such as Divine Service or service of worship, rather than the word Mass, although other Protestants, such as Anglicans and Lutherans, use the word. For the celebration of the Eucharist in Eastern churches, including those in full communion with the Holy See, other terms such as the Divine Liturgy, the Qurbono Qadisho or Holy Qurbana and the Badarak are normal.

Mass (mass spectrometry)

The mass recorded by a mass spectrometer can refer to different physical quantities depending on the characteristics of the instrument and the manner in which the mass spectrum is displayed.

Mass (Grotus album)

Mass is the third full-length album by the experimental band Grotus. The album's sound focuses more on alternative and blues rock than industrial and is perhaps their most accessible recording.

Mass (novel)

Mass, also known as Mass: A Novel, is a 1973 historical and political novel written by Filipino National Artist F. Sionil José. Together with The Pretenders, the Mass is the completion of José’s The Rosales Saga, which is also known as the Rosales Novels. The literary message of Mass was "a society intent only on calculating a man's price is one that ultimately devalues all men".


In physics, mass is a property of a physical body. It is a measure of an object's resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a force is applied. It also determines the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction to other bodies. In the theory of relativity a related concept is the mass–energy content of a system. The SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg).

Mass is not the same as weight, even though we often calculate an object's mass by measuring its weight with a spring scale, rather than comparing it directly with known masses. An object on the Moon would weigh less than it does on Earth because of the lower gravity, but it would still have the same mass. This is because weight is a force, while mass is the property that (along with gravity) determines the strength of this force.

In Newtonian physics, mass can be generalized as the amount of matter in an object. However, at very high speeds, special relativity postulates that energy is an additional source of mass. Thus, any stationary body having mass has an equivalent amount of energy, and all forms of energy resist acceleration by a force and have gravitational attraction. In addition, "matter" is a loosely defined term in science, and thus cannot be precisely measured.

There are several distinct phenomena which can be used to measure mass. Although some theorists have speculated that some of these phenomena could be independent of each other, current experiments have found no difference in results, whatever way is used to measure mass:

  • Inertial mass measures an object's resistance to being accelerated by a force (represented by the relationship ).
  • Active gravitational mass measures the gravitational force exerted by an object.
  • Passive gravitational mass measures the gravitational force exerted on an object in a known gravitational field.
  • Mass–energy measures the total amount of energy contained within a body, using .

The mass of an object determines its acceleration in the presence of an applied force. The inverse relationship between mass and acceleration is called inertia. According to Newton's second law of motion, if a body of fixed mass m is subjected to a single force F, its acceleration a is given by F/m. A body's mass also determines the degree to which it generates or is affected by a gravitational field. If a first body of mass m is placed at a distance r (center of mass to center of mass) from a second body of mass m, each body is subject to an attractive force , where is the "universal gravitational constant". This is sometimes referred to as gravitational mass. Repeated experiments since the 17th century have demonstrated that inertial and gravitational mass are identical; since 1915, this observation has been entailed a priori in the equivalence principle of general relativity.

Mass (music)

The Mass (Latin: ), a form of sacred musical composition, is a choral composition that sets the invariable portions of the Eucharistic liturgy (principally that of the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and Lutheranism) to music. Most Masses are settings of the liturgy in Latin, the liturgical sacred language of the Catholic Church's Roman liturgy, but there are a significant number written in the languages of non-Catholic countries where vernacular worship has long been the norm. For example, there are many Masses (often called "Communion Services") written in English for the Church of England. Musical Masses take their name from the Catholic liturgy called "the Mass" as well.

Masses can be a cappella, that is, without an independent accompaniment, or they can be accompanied by instrumental obbligatos up to and including a full orchestra. Many Masses, especially later ones, were never intended to be performed during the celebration of an actual mass.

Maß (Lauer)

'''Maß ''' is a river of Bavaria, Germany.

Mass (Alastair Galbraith album)

Mass is an album by New Zealand musician Alastair Galbraith released in 2011.

Mass (Bernstein)

MASS (formally, "MASS: A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players, and Dancers") is a musical theatre work composed by Leonard Bernstein with text by Bernstein and additional text and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. Commissioned by Jacqueline Kennedy, it premiered on September 8, 1971, conducted by Maurice Peress. The performance was part of the opening of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Mass premiered in Europe in 1973, with John Mauceri conducting the Yale Symphony Orchestra in Vienna.

Originally, Bernstein had intended to compose a traditional Mass, but instead decided on a more innovative form. The work is based on the Tridentine Mass of the Roman Catholic Church. Although the liturgical passages are sung in Latin, Mass also includes additional texts in English written by Bernstein, Broadway composer Stephen Schwartz, and Paul Simon (who wrote the first quatrain of the trope "Half of the People"). The work is intended to be staged theatrically, but it has also been performed in a standard concert setting.

Initial critical reception, including a review in the New York Times, was largely negative, but the Columbia Records recording of the work enjoyed excellent sales.

Mass (English band)

Mass were an English post-punk band. The band consisted of Gary Asquith, Mick Allen, Mark Cox, and Danny Briottet. Asquith, Allen and Cox had been members of Rema-Rema. Mass released a 7" single, "You And I", in 1980 on the 4AD label. They released the Labour of Love LP in 1981, also on 4AD, which saw comparisons made with Joy Division and The Birthday Party. It spent five weeks on the UK Indie Chart, peaking at number 19.

Mass broke up in 1981. Allen and Cox formed The Wolfgang Press in 1983, while Asquith and Briottet went on to form Renegade Soundwave in 1986. Labour of Love was reissued on CD in November 2005, with the two tracks from the single included. It was reissued on vinyl by Desire Records in 2011.

Mass (Catholic Church)

The Mass or Eucharist is the central act of divine worship in the Catholic Church, which describes it as "the source and summit of the Christian life". In formal contexts, it is sometimes called the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Many of the Catholic Church's other sacraments are celebrated in the framework of the Eucharist. The term "Mass" is generally used only of Latin Church celebrations of the Eucharist, while the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and the various Eastern Catholic Churches use terms such as " Divine Liturgy", " Holy Qurbana", and "Badarak", in accordance with each one's tradition.

The term "Mass" is derived from the Late Latin word missa (dismissal), a word used in the concluding formula of Mass in Latin: " Ite, missa est" ("Go; it is the dismissal"). "In antiquity, missa simply meant 'dismissal'. In Christian usage, however, it gradually took on a deeper meaning. The word 'dismissal' has come to imply a 'mission'. These few words succinctly express the missionary nature of the Church"

For information on the theology of the Eucharist and on the Eucharistic liturgy of other Christian denominations, see " Mass (liturgy)", " Eucharist" and " Eucharistic theology". For information on the history and of development of the Mass see Eucharist and Origin of the Eucharist.

Mass (film)

Mass is a 2004 Tollywood film produced by Nagarjuna Akkineni on his home production Annapurna Studios banner, written and directed by debutant Raghava Lawrence. Starring Nagarjuna Akkineni, Jyothika, Charmy Kaur played the lead roles and music composed by Devi Sri Prasad. The film released on 23 December 2004. The film was dubbed into Tamil with the title Veeran, which also became a blockbuster and Hindi as Meri Jung–One Man Army. The film recorded as Super Hit at the box-office.

MASS (decoy system)

MASS (Multi Ammunition Softkill System) is a naval self-defence system, produced by Rheinmetall of Germany. It is connected to the ship's sensors and protects ships from attacks by advanced, sensor-guided missiles, by launching decoys, that operate in all relevant wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum ( ultra violet, electro-optical, laser, infrared and radar). MASS can be either plugged into the command and control module of a naval vessel, or operate autonomously.

Rheinmetall Defence has stated that "MASS has attracted orders from 9 nations, for 130 launchers, on 15 different classes of naval vessels" as of March 31/09. As of 3 March 2011, this has been expanded to a total order of at least 172 units. Roughly one year later, on the 17th of April 2012, the total was at 186 launchers for 22 different classes of vessels in 11 different nations.

Mass (surname)

Mass is a surname with either following meaning and origin:

  • North German and Dutch: from a short form of the personal name Thomas. Compare Maas, Mas.
  • Jewish ( Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name from German Mass 'measure', 'measurement'.

People surnamed Mass include:

  • Isaac Mass (born 1976), a Massachusetts politician
  • Lawrence D. Mass (born 1946), American physician and writer who wrote the first press reports on the disease AIDS
  • Wayne Mass (born 1946), American football player
  • Wendy Mass (born 1967), author of young adult and children's books

Fictional characters include:

  • Miss Mass, in the Marvel Comics universe
  • Sayla Mass, in the Universal Century Gundam universe

Usage examples of "mass".

It was filled not quite to the brim with a mass of what looked like thick red slime and it bubbled continuously as if aboil on some gigantic stove.

Although the masses will flock to the Plan of Abraxas, those wielding power and money will not easily give up their privileges for the good of society.

Winnebago and Chickasaw, were drawing up abreast of the three ships thus massed together.

It was found that the womb had been ruptured and the child killed, for in several days it was delivered in a putrid mass, partly through the natural passage and partly through an abscess opening in the abdominal wall.

What has such an adhesive to act upon if there is absolutely no given magnitude of real earth to which it may bind particle after particle in its business of producing the continuous mass?

After a leaf had been left in a weak infusion of raw meat for 10 hours, the cells of the papillae had evidently absorbed animal matter, for instead of limpid fluid they now contained small aggregated masses of protoplasm, which slowly and incessantly changed their forms.

The glands which had remained in contact for two or three days with the viscid masses were not discoloured, and apparently had absorbed little of the liquefied tissue, or had been little affected by it.

This illustration is not intended to apply to the older bridges with widely distended masses, which render each pier sufficient to abut the arches springing from it, but tend, in providing for a way over the river, to choke up the way by the river itself, or to compel the river either to throw down the structure or else to destroy its own banks.

We had both ships under one gee acceleration drives, complicated by the combined attraction of the two mass plates.

Miraculously unbroken despite the changes in acceleration, its weight was impossible to guess in the microgravity of the ship, but its mass was pleasing.

As our most powerful particle accelerators can reach energies only on the order of a thousand times the proton mass, less than a millionth of a billionth of the Planck energy, we are very far from being able to search in the laboratory for any of these new particles predicted by string theory.

Or were they even now massing for a devastating assault on Achar through Ichtar?

Then something actinic and mighty flashed, striking like a fist toward the heart of a great land mass.

But at that moment an adjutant galloped up with a message from the commander of the regiment in the hollow and news that immense masses of the French were coming down upon them and that his regiment was in disorder and was retreating upon the Kiev grenadiers.

Between these and the mass of mankind there is a want of approachability, if the term be admissible, partially, at least, fatal to their success.