acknowledge sb's presence (=speak to someone or make a sign to show that you know they are present)
▪ He acknowledged my presence with a quick wave.
acknowledge/recognize sb’s contribution (=say that you are grateful for what someone has done)
▪ He acknowledged the contribution of many individuals in developing the report.
acknowledge/recognize/accept the existence of sth (=agree that something exists)
▪ They organization finally acknowledged the existence of a problem.
▪ What Amis has also acknowledged as a writer is that nice things aren't necessarily as funny as nasty things.
▪ But Adams also acknowledged that he ordered agents to escort McVeigh out of the courthouse in a bright orange jumpsuit.
▪ Gramsci also acknowledged the dynamism of bourgeois individualism, but advocated a redirection of that energy to mass culture.
▪ But we must also acknowledge the significance of computing and digital design.
▪ None the less, we must also acknowledge that most often reconciliation does not occur.
▪ Upright bassist Kevin Pate also acknowledges his paternal influences.
▪ Tom freely acknowledged this just as Terry acknowledged his earlier insensitivity.
▪ He freely acknowledges that he allowed the behaviour of others to put him off the career he really wanted.
▪ It was as though, having given up the struggle themselves, they could more freely acknowledge the value of it.
▪ A closer examination of the Celtic Church reveals a much greater deviation from Rome than is generally acknowledged or even known.
▪ The generally acknowledged leader of the cartel is Benjamin Arellano, who usually keeps a low profile.
▪ Another set of therapies which are generally acknowledged to be helpful are the physical ones which are mostly based around massage.
▪ Nicky Haslam is generally acknowledged as a superb story-teller, who judges his audience beautifully.
▪ It is now generally acknowledged that Helicobacter pylori infection is the major cause of antral gastritis.
▪ But it is publicly acknowledged that these numbers, which represent people who have put themselves forward for testing, are underestimates.
▪ The enthusiasm and support of the lesbian fans is vital, but their contribution can not be publicly acknowledged.
▪ The Health Ministry does not publicly acknowledge the link.
▪ You encourage less-able pupils and publicly acknowledge the value of their contribution.
▪ And Sandeman was the first port company to acknowledge publicly that sales were a crucial aspect to any business.
▪ Would he publicly acknowledge the little boy as his, or might he prefer to ignore his existence?
▪ I readily acknowledge the need for time to debate the Bill in Committee.
▪ Against one sees the influence of Park which Hughes readily acknowledges.
▪ They also readily acknowledge that the symbols are not as important as the impressions, imaginings and emotions they provoke.
▪ Numerous interviews with cold callers, all reluctant to be named, readily acknowledge that they rarely call women.
▪ By doing so, I readily acknowledge that we are changing, ever so slightly, the role of the Crown with regard to sentencing.
▪ I readily acknowledge that this is a very difficult request but I am afraid the timescale has to he met.
▪ Our exchanges have been by telephone or Royal Mail, so I readily acknowledge that there may be some problems there.
▪ Nor has the potential and positive contribution of musicians been widely acknowledged in the process of reform.
▪ In short, the lack of business transaction security is widely acknowledged as a major impediment to widespread ecommerce.
▪ There, 50 or so textile mills produce what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool cloth in the world.
▪ Its theatre, since the mid 1950s, has been widely acknowledged the world's wonder.
▪ Of all workers' complaints, the justice of those over truck seem to have been most widely acknowledged.
▪ Making technical estimates of risk is widely acknowledged to be extremely tricky, with endless scope for disagreement amongst the experts.
▪ Generally, they have been welcomed: their potential for enriching the curriculum is widely acknowledged.
▪ Social class is a major behavioural determinant of consumer buying behaviour, and its importance is widely acknowledged by marketers.
▪ While acknowledging their debt to Hearsay-II, they point out a number of differences.
▪ Years later, she acknowledged the debt she owed him for those early lessons in self-determination.
▪ Certainly, Bentham acknowledged his debt to Beccaria.
▪ Shelley has always acknowledged his debt to the late doctor.
▪ I want to acknowledge a personal debt to him.
▪ Brooks attended to every detail of his churches and Mackmurdo later acknowledged his debt to him as an exemplar of methodical thoroughness.
▪ Yet when we are involved personally we are forced to acknowledge their existence and to try to understand them.
▪ Last September, seeking to strengthen his growing congregation and acknowledge its existence in the community at large, Rev.
▪ Weber acknowledged their existence but did not discuss them.
▪ Men who had recently found it difficult to acknowledge his existence now sought his advice.
▪ When he did acknowledge her existence he talked in dismissive and unrealistic terms.
▪ It was the only time that Father acknowledged the existence of spirits.
▪ He made it clear he could never acknowledge my existence to his family and I didn't expect him to.
▪ Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
▪ The difference is that Chomsky acknowledges this fact and accordingly expresses his views with appropriate caution.
▪ However, Pratt acknowledged many of the facts in the study.
▪ The hon. Gentleman would address the problem more accurately were he to acknowledge that fact.
▪ They were the only neighbors who had ever acknowledged the fact of her moving here.
▪ But while sterling remains weak exporters should prosper - although the market would not acknowledge such a fact yesterday.
▪ Six days late - this was the first time that she'd acknowledged the fact.
▪ Too few mass literacy campaigns have even acknowledged this fact.
▪ Plaid Cymru, which did a similar deal, voted with the Government, acknowledging that its deal did go further.
▪ This government is acknowledged by all to be one of enumerated powers.
▪ Doctors' leaders joined calls for the Government to acknowledge that the outbreak had exposed a critical shortage of hospital beds.
▪ But for this to be achieved, the government must acknowledge it as a problem worth solving.
▪ The Government acknowledged holding just three prisoners, including Mirghani Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
▪ Strategies to promote the nation's health should acknowledge the importance of material and social deprivation more explicitly.
▪ Thus it is not at all surprising to find managers acknowledging the importance of local knowledge.
▪ It is not enough to acknowledge the importance of collective entrepreneurship; clear and consistent signals must reinforce the new story.
▪ It is ambitious and beautiful; what is more, it acknowledges the importance of being sophisticated for adult business people.
▪ Many Islamists now acknowledge the importance of what Islamism began by rejecting utterly: democracy.
▪ Mr. Gregory Will my right hon. Friend acknowledge the importance of the popular music industry and its contribution to overseas earnings?
▪ However, Rauschenberg's act is important in establishing the necessity of acknowledging the importance of usurping the claims of abstract expressionism.
▪ Announcing the proposals Education Minister Michael Ancram acknowledged the importance of the voluntary sector as a source of independent advice.
▪ This acknowledged the need for a better trained workforce and for a previous lack of expenditure in the welfare sphere.
▪ During the campaign, Clinton acknowledged the need to fix the programs and said it should be done in a bipartisan way.
▪ I readily acknowledge the need for time to debate the Bill in Committee.
▪ The result is a service that acknowledges their special needs as guests and, more importantly, as individuals.
▪ All but the far right have acknowledged the need to develop a more skilled workforce, since whites can no longer fill the demand.
▪ The result was a modification of the Rome Treaty which acknowledges the need to achieve social and economic cohesion.
▪ MDC's approach to housing development in its extended area acknowledges the need for social housing provision.
▪ The Department acknowledges the basic need to provide workplaces with easy access, good lighting and an inviting atmosphere.
▪ According to Western reports, officials in Xinjiang had acknowledged the impact of rising nationalist sentiment across the border in the Soviet Union.
▪ Current board officials acknowledge that past actions may have been inadequate but said they have learned from their predecessors' mistakes.
▪ Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
▪ Supreme Court officials acknowledge that their own telephone system was the culprit for the leak.
▪ Pentagon officials acknowledge using two Stealth fighter bombers to drop 2,000 pound bombs.
▪ However, other high-level Navy officials acknowledged the Nimitz had been hurriedly ordered to the Persian Gulf.
▪ She noted though that after this Felipe de Santis was prepared to acknowledge Mitch's presence although he was stiffly formal.
▪ Usually a clerk at some point acknowledges my presence, comes up and asks me what I want.
▪ Nervous because she was due to play in two chukkas' time, Perdita refused even to acknowledge Daisy's presence.
▪ He wanted to acknowledge its presence and open himself to it.
▪ Jurnet acknowledged the newcomer's presence with a small nod, nothing too encouraging.
▪ Tom caught my eye behind her back and winked to acknowledge my presence on alien territory.
▪ Was he even going to acknowledge her presence?
▪ All too often we preferred to deny their existence than acknowledge the presence of mental illness.
▪ A year on they acknowledge the problems, but are at pains to defend the good name of their community.
▪ And to his credit, he acknowledged the problem of low wages and our deteriorating public transit system.
▪ Graff acknowledges the problem and proposes an openly dialectical and adversarial form of teaching.
▪ Ratification encourages willingness to acknowledge a problem and develops commitment to its solution.
▪ But for this to be achieved, the government must acknowledge it as a problem worth solving.
▪ Rudi thought that Simeon was dyslexic, but Simeon himself refused to acknowledge any problems.
▪ But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
▪ By not acknowledging the problem, the church continues to suffer from a festering internal wound.
▪ The two other boys were sitting neatly on a sofa in the distance but they failed to acknowledge them.
▪ These consumer behavior models fail to acknowledge that there are many types of consumers.
▪ Such explanations fail to acknowledge the possibility that schools may a responsible for creating and sustaining disruptiveness.
▪ Mostly, they have failed to acknowledge one basic tenet of the high-tech world: We know too much.
▪ Yet company law doctrine has failed to acknowledge this.
▪ They were all the same, those men, turning away their heavy faces and failing to acknowledge my greetings.
▪ Modern progressives committed to diversity often fail to acknowledge this.
▪ Wiltshire Community Foundation says policies fail to acknowledge the greater cost of providing rural services.
▪ He knew the potential that I possessed but had refused to acknowledge.
▪ In some ways, like us, they were custodians of a loss everyone knew about but refused to acknowledge.
▪ The government believes that people will love it for abolishing counties like Humberside, which proud Yorkshiremen have always refused to acknowledge.
▪ I hated the world around me and refused to acknowledge it.
▪ Either he had genuinely repressed what he knew or he refused to acknowledge it.
▪ She added that when Gentry refused to acknowledge the loan publicly, she resigned as his treasurer and broke off their engagement.
▪ Others, though, refused even to acknowledge that much.
▪ About 9 million refuse to acknowledge their hearing loss or refuse treatment.
freely admit/acknowledge sth
▪ Callahan waved, acknowledging his fans.
▪ Cooke acknowledges receiving gifts that could be seen as bribes.
▪ He acknowledges it's going to be a tough job, but he's going to try it anyway.
▪ I did a lot of work on that book. It annoys me that the editor never acknowledged it.
▪ I have just sent off a letter acknowledging their message.
▪ In 1932 De Valera was elected as Prime Minister, and was acknowledged as leader of the Irish people.
▪ In his speech he acknowledged the help his parents gave him at the start of his career.
▪ Please acknowledge receipt of this document by signing and returning the enclosed form.
▪ Several Arab countries have not yet acknowledged Israel.
▪ The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
▪ The committee acknowledges that mentally ill people in the community are not receiving the care and treatment they need.
▪ The paper never even acknowledged my letter or printed a correction.
▪ You have to acknowledge the truth of what she says.
▪ Zaire was forced to acknowledge the authority of the Congolese state.
▪ And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
▪ However, some acknowledge that the reforms had to be introduced quickly.
▪ I readily acknowledge that this is a very difficult request but I am afraid the timescale has to he met.
▪ In a correction that was published June 4, 1995, the Globe acknowledged that Ayash did not sign the medication order.
▪ Policy props up parental wishes and desires, but does it acknowledge the effect on the deaf child?
▪ The anniversary report is acknowledged as a tremendous achievement.
▪ The governor has acknowledged that there have been errors in his financial statements.
▪ We will never reform the justice system until we are prepared to acknowledge its fundamental defects.