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Alternative clues for the word run

Usage examples of run.

Then the witch with her abhominable science, began to conjure and to make her Ceremonies, to turne the heart of the Baker to his wife, but all was in vaine, wherefore considering on the one side that she could not bring her purpose to passe, and on the other side the losse of her gaine, she ran hastily to the Baker, threatning to send an evill spirit to kill him, by meane of her conjurations.

And the thought of Abie Singleton taking chances at the Adonis Club made his blood run cold.

I just sat back on my heels and let her tongue lash over me, until at last it dawned on me that the old abo must have gone running to her and she thought we were responsible for scaring him out of what wits he had.

Ann they had both been aboad a bus cruising at eighteen miles an hour along the sixty-lane freeway that ran from Bear Canyon to Pasadena, near the middle of Los Angeles.

All the talk aboard was of booty and a run ashore with some money to spend.

Rumor ran through the station corridors, aboil with the confusion and anger of residents and companies that had been turned out with all their property.

She knew she could not scale a blank seven-foot wall fast enough to save herself, especially not with one stingingly abraded hand, so she studied the trees as she ran.

He felt in no mood for conversation, and as he sipped his absinth he let his mind run rather sorrowfully over the past few weeks of his life.

Here he reared a continuous rampart with a ditch in front of it, fair-sized forts, probably a dozen in number, built either close behind it or actually abutting on it, and a connecting road running from end to end.

Lord knew she ached to, with her insides abuzz and his warmth running up her side.

When we run the cosmic film in reverse, rapid accelerating expansion turns into rapid decelerating contraction.

Kelly was busy running an acceleration recompute when the update for this particular maneuver came in, so I took over the computer and input the change.

Men and women bright enough to run a particle accelerator the size of a small planet likewise had to be at least somewhat aware that they were being manipulated, even as they let it happen.

I now had access to one computer, which turned out to be running an older version of the UNIX operating system.

So he ran a program to see if he could connect to any of the services running on that computer, and found an open port with a Telnet service running, which allows one computer to connect remotely to another computer and access it as if directly connected using a dumb terminal.