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Word definitions for gall in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Gall \Gall\ (g[add]l), n.[OE. galle, gal, AS. gealla; akin to D. gal, OS. & OHG. galla, Icel. gall, SW. galla, Dan. galde, L. fel, Gr. ?, and prob. to E. yellow. [root]49. See Yellow , and cf. Choler ] (Physiol.) The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found ...

Usage examples of gall.

THE AUTUMN OF 1786 produced no improvement in relations with the British, whose icy civility Adams found all the more galling after the respect and affection he had been shown in Holland.

Gall published a joint edict condemning Anabaptists to death, and under this law two Anabaptists were sentenced in 1528 and two more in 1532.

I did not know which galled me more: that Artemisia had the power to arouse me along with her Heloise, or that this same Artemisia who wrote so convincinglynot to mention eroticallywas in love with my Michael.

And it was galling to the priest that young Basque cavers, boys who should have chosen their idols from the ranks of the priesthood, told stories of his spelunking exploits and of the time he had crossed with Le Cagot into Spain and broken into a military prison in Bilbao to release ETA prisoners.

The tendency of the new doctrine was to break up the system of caste, and free the people from the galling yoke of the Brahminical hierarchy and dogmas.

You know, what really galled me most was that Brie had figured out my disappearing act.

They exist essentially for the purpose of the Universe, just as the gall exists for the purposes of the body as a whole not less than for its own immediate function: it is to be the inciter of the animal spirits but without allowing the entire organism and its own especial region to run riot.

But it galled Parmenion that Gryllus was accepted - even liked - by other youths in the barracks.

Sandy could tell that the priestess knew Haz dared not harm her, and that she went out of her way to gall him.

It was the latter truth that galled him most, that in point of fact, as far as the Ila cared and as far as the soldiers cared, he had become no different than the rest of them.

The most permanent ordinary inks were shown to be composed of the best blue gall nuts with copperas and gum, and the proportions found on experiment to yield the most persistent black were six parts of best blue galls to four parts of copperas.

Gradual evaporation of moisture causes a change not only in color but in the case of the iron and gall inks, in their chemical constitution, being immediately affected by their environment, whether due to the character of the paper on which they rest, the kind or condition of the pen used, or most important of all, the elements.

Friends and sycophants were gathering round the governor of Lapan, addressing him with the half-congratulatory and half-envious admiration usually shown by people towards a man who has done something which, though they may consider it reckless and foolhardy, they cannot help wishing they had had the gall to do themselves.

Yankees had suddenly learned the value of the railbed and were using its protection to start a galling rifle fire on the Legion.

While Fleming used the past tense to narrate his adventure, Gall prefers verbs in the present tense.