Crossword clues for zipped
vb. (en-past of: zip)
n. a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it" [syn: nothing, nil, nix, nada, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, naught, zero, zilch]
a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab [syn: slide fastener, zipper, zip-fastener]
See zip
Usage examples of "zipped".
On the opposite side of the airlock, the other portal was still zipped tight.
As I zipped up the section behind me, I tried hard to keep the plastic close and push as much air as possible back into the tube.
We zipped it behind them, unzipped the next, pushed them through, zipped it behind them- Douglas was already turning up the oxygen on his tank.
We had to stop then, while Mickey zipped us through another manual airlock.
He wore sunglasses, jeans, sneakers, and a parka that was too warm zipped up and too cool left open.
Then the light returned in the blink of an eye as the sled zipped back out the other side.
Arrow after arrow zipped up the hill, the elf concentrating his fire on the wolves that had circled to the right.
In fact, from the moment he and Chewie had zipped into the asteroid belt, he had been letting out one long, terrified scream.
He found his exit point and zipped away, cutting a smooth line through the belt and clear into the open space, heading back to Dubrillion, arriving on the planet long before the towing operation had even begun back at the belt.
The autumn wind had a distinct nip to it here, and Wendy zipped up her down vest.
Despite her exertions, Wendy had to keep her down vest tightly zipped, and she pulled on her glove linen to keep her hands warm.
But he knew an out when he saw one, so he kept his yap zipped and let her think what she wanted.
Below her, two-man gliders and private sedan cruisers wove around massive freight hovers as they zipped along the traffic-filled airways.
Several small four-passenger shuttles zipped up and down the roadway below.
At the end of every shift, she counted up her tip money, then tucked it in an envelope she kept zipped in her duffel bag.