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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sb's youthful appearance
▪ She was no longer a young woman, despite her youthful appearance.
youthful energy (=energy that young people naturally have)
▪ She is very talented and full of youthful energy.
youthful enthusiasm (=enthusiasm that is typical of young people)
▪ The team has just the right mix of youthful enthusiasm and experience.
youthful indiscretion
▪ Earl describes his past links with the racist group as a youthful indiscretion.
youthful/childlike excitement
▪ Her voice was full of youthful excitement.
▪ He specialises in removing bags under the eyes and tightening the eyelids to produce a more youthful look.
▪ Edna Gilmartin looked more youthful and less formidable than I seemed to remember her from the ticket line at the Cort Theater.
▪ Nevertheless, high birth rates ensured that society was far more youthful in its composition than it is today.
▪ Giving a far more youthful look altogether.
▪ The new packaging features a transparent label and updated graphics to give the brand a more youthful look.
▪ It was Hamish McIntyre who had first addressed him like that and without blinking an eyelid at his youthful appearance.
▪ Some, as mentioned, cling to youthful appearance and risk looking absurd.
▪ All the natural grace in her now flowed through her body, unspoiled by her bursts of youthful energy.
▪ It was comfortable with its premature senescence but at the same time was wired with a wildness and youthful energy.
▪ Hope and youthful energy rose up in her again, like leaves on a young tree in spring.
▪ The product is among the many foods and cosmetics aimed at baby boomers hoping to preserve their youthful energy and looks.
▪ For most purposes a rectangular distribution is the most desirable because it provides the appropriate mix of youthful enthusiasm and ageing experience.
▪ From time to time the main Party had to intervene to help out the youngsters or to curb their youthful enthusiasms.
▪ At present their sound has more to do with youthful enthusiasm than finesse.
▪ The outdated expression, plus his look of youthful enthusiasm, reminded Cassie briefly of stories she had read as a child.
▪ She had to the last a youthful enthusiasm, an erect carriage, and a firm step.
▪ He specialises in removing bags under the eyes and tightening the eyelids to produce a more youthful look.
▪ Her eyes took on a youthful look and I could see that she must once have been beautiful.
▪ Giving a far more youthful look altogether.
▪ The new packaging features a transparent label and updated graphics to give the brand a more youthful look.
▪ And Des works out in his home gym to keep up with her youthful vigour.
▪ Surely, they feel, youthful vigour should outgun out-of-date prudery.
▪ This means that evolution favours youthful vigour at the expense of later decline.
▪ Although middle-aged, he had a youthful appearance.
▪ At 61, she seems remarkably youthful.
▪ She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance.
▪ She still manages to bring a youthful enthusiasm and energy to her work.
▪ They still have much of their youthful idealism.
▪ Besides, he was funny and youthful, the opposite pole to Matthew Blake.
▪ Dole also hammered at the increase in youthful drug use in the last four years.
▪ For most purposes a rectangular distribution is the most desirable because it provides the appropriate mix of youthful enthusiasm and ageing experience.
▪ It was age, youthful high spirits, they were very young, like puppies really.
▪ That led to the book, which includes narratives culled from years of youthful research.
▪ The designers who turned their pens to her wardrobe took advantage of her youthful figure by suggesting form-fitting silhouettes.
▪ You may find your youthful occupational dreams are largely unanswered and unfulfilled.
▪ Young men modelled on a youthful Marlon Brando swaggering around their motorbikes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Youthful \Youth"ful\, a.

  1. Not yet mature or aged; young. ``Two youthful knights.''
    --Dryden. Also used figuratively. ``The youthful season of the year.''

  2. Of or pertaining to the early part of life; suitable to early life; as, youthful days; youthful sports. ``Warm, youthful blood.''
    --Shak. ``Youthful thoughts.''

  3. Fresh; vigorous, as in youth.

    After millions of millions of ages . . . still youthful and flourishing.

    Syn: Puerile; juvenile.

    Usage: Youthful, Puerile, Juvenile. Puerile is always used in a bad sense, or at least in the sense of what is suitable to a boy only; as, puerile objections, puerile amusements, etc. Juvenile is sometimes taken in a bad sense, as when speaking of youth in contrast with manhood; as, juvenile tricks; a juvenile performance. Youthful is commonly employed in a good sense; as, youthful aspirations; or at least by way of extenuating; as, youthful indiscretions. ``Some men, imagining themselves possessed with a divine fury, often fall into toys and trifles, which are only puerilities.''
    --Dryden. ``Raw, juvenile writers imagine that, by pouring forth figures often, they render their compositions warm and animated.''
    --Blair. [1913 Webster] -- Youth"ful*ly, adv. -- Youth"ful*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1560s, from youth + -ful. Old English had geoguðlic. Other words formerly used in the same sense were youthlike, youthly, youthsome, youthy. Related: Youthfulness.\n


a. 1 Young or seeming young. 2 Characteristic of young people.


adj. suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh [syn: vernal]

Youthful (publisher)

Youthful (also known as Youthful Magazines) was an American comic book publisher that operated from 1949–1954. The company was owned by attorney Bill Friedman and his wife Sophie, with Bill holding the title of Publisher. Comics editor Sol Cohen (possibly with help from financier Harry Donenfeld) helped launch Youthful. The company specialized in non- superhero titles, instead focusing on horror, Western, humor, and romance comics. Notable titles published by Youthful included the Western titles Gunsmoke, Indian Fighter, and Redskin (later known as Famous Western Badmen); the science fiction/horror series Captain Science (later known as Fantastic, Beware, and Chilling Tales), and the humor title Jackpot. Altogether, the company only published ten distinct titles, with many series changing their name and continuing the numbering of the previous title.

Doug Wildey was the company's lead cartoonist, with work published in virtually all their titles. Other notable creators associated with Youthful included Bill Fraccio, Harry Harrison, Pat Masulli, Don Perlin, Wally Wood, Graham Ingels, Ed Goldfarb, Henry Kiefer, and Manny Stallman.

Youthful's first title was Gunsmoke, which debuted Apr./May 1949 and ran until 1952. Youthful acquired the Pix-Parade title Youthful Hearts in 1952, continuing its numbering under the new title Daring Confessions until 1953. The Youthful titles Attack and Beware were acquired by Trojan Magazines in 1952, which continued their numbering. Youthful, in turn, renamed the titles Atomic Attack and Chilling Tales, respectively, also continuing the numbering. The company was mostly finished by 1953, with only Jackpot continuing until 1954 (its final issue cover-dated May).

Usage examples of "youthful".

This was the final consequence and the shattering cost of the aberration which came over the Nazi dictator in his youthful gutter days in Vienna and which he imparted to - or shared with - so many of his German followers.

I have not forgotten those times of good company and good cheer, and the warmth of firelight on the fair and youthful faces of Arain and Mera.

Having no relations with Parisian society, and seeing in the department of the Aube no other husband for Cecile than the youthful Marquis de Cinq-Cygne, he was asking himself whether by the power of gold he could surmount the animosities which the revolution of July had roused between the royalists who were faithful to their principles, and their conquerors.

Taunts the beadle in shrill youthful voices with having boiled a boy, choruses fragments of a popular song to that effect and importing that the boy was made into soup for the workhouse.

Britishborn bairns lisping prayers to the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their pensums or model young ladies playing on the pianoforte or anon all with fervour reciting the family rosary round the crackling Yulelog while in the boreens and green lanes the colleens with their swains strolled what times the strains of the organtoned melodeon Britannia metalbound with four acting stops and twelvefold bellows, a sacrifice, greatest bargain ever .

She passed the old stone bottega where the youthful Leonardo had been apprenticed to the great Verrocchio.

The corpse was quite without covering, but by the long black hair and youthful outlines the king recognised Campana, the aide-decamp he had always loved best.

Alice Lee Langman was a perfected presence, an enameled lady marked with the androgynous quality, that sexually ambivalent aura that seems a common denominator among certain persons whose allure crosses all frontiers-a mystique not confined to women, for Nureyev has it, Nehru had it, so did the youthful Marlon Brando and Elvis Presley, so did Montgomery Clift and James Dean.

As we have discussed, superstring cosmology is a young field, even by the youthful standards set by string theory itself.

The cryptogram that he and a youthful colleague, Nigel de Grey, had partially read was to become the single most far-reaching and most important solution in history.

The youthful daimio had taken advantage of the preoccupation of his captors during the last moments of Theriere to gnaw in two the grass rope which bound him to the mucker, and with hands still fast bound behind him had slunk into the jungle path that led toward his village.

And now, as, according to a singular usage of the court, no male subject was ever allowed to sit at table with a queen or dauphiness of France, the dinner party over which the youthful pair, sitting side by side, presided, consisted wholly of these dames whose profession is not generally considered as imparting any great refinement to the manners, and who, before the close of the entertainment, showed, in more cases than one, that they had imported some of the notions and fashions of their more ordinary places of resort into the royal palace.

There are needs permitted to a youthful Ascendant or a warrior in the field that a demarch, especially married, is expected to have mastered, for all his body might tell him that was only yesterday.

As I have mentioned, I had my share of didling with drunken whores, but let me tell you, I was a virgin to pure youthful ardor.

He lay awake thinking, wondering if his spirit, or whatever essence it was that Doni took from him, was strong enough, or if the Mother had forgiven him his youthful indiscretions and would allow it.