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n. (plural of youngling English)

Usage examples of "younglings".

It was likely that, in all the time they had yet to spend among regul, they would never meet the honorable, the reverence bai Hulagh Alagn-ni, only the younglings that served him as crew and aides and messengers.

Stavros, it would leave Duncan himself helpless, unable to communicate with the general run of younglings, and, as Stavros had once pointed out, regul younglings would not admit him to contact with the likes of bai Hulagh, who were the only regul capable of fluent human speech.

There was, instead of the welcome they had expected—like most regul courtesies, carefully controlled and managed—a still and ghostly quiet about the port, as if they and the younglings were the only living things about the premises.

Hulagh had answered enough such requests for attention, both from regul younglings and from dull-witted humans.

But now, older, a man in his own right, he had the face to leave the visor up and glare back at the younglings who stared too boldly.

He had never set eyes on any of the regul save the younglings that frequented this central personnel relaxation area.

Regul dealt with rebellious younglings, even with inconvenient younglings, instantly and without mercy, as if they were an easily replaceable commodity.

He knew this movement for an indication of emotion in the younglings, one of the few expressions of which their bone-shielded faces were capable—a roll of the eyes, an opening or closing of the lips, a flutter of the nostrils.

But had he not known that this being was of precisely the same species as the younglings, he would have doubted it.

He began to think, with the nightmare concentration that fears acquired in their solitude, that Stavros was indeed very old, and the time before humans would arrive was considerable, and that regul, who disposed of their own younglings so readily, would think nothing of killing a human youngling that had survived his elder, if that human youngling seemed useless to them.

He let himself be handled like a regul elder, already playing the part, and the younglings handed him down to the land sled that waited below.

Regul opened doors and began laboriously to disembark: a full ten of regul younglings, sober and joyless, without even visible arrogance.

The majority were younglings below the age of twenty-five, as yet undetermined in sex—this would manifest itself at about thirty—and far more mobile than would be possible for them as they began to attain their adult weight.

This former gracelessness on the part of Kesrith’s younglings in general was surely due to the years of war which had encompassed the younglings’ entire experience.

The Kesrithi younglings left in Hulagh’s charge were acquiring some graces.