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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Youngling \Young"ling\, n. [AS. geongling.] A young person; a youth; also, any animal in its early life. ``More dear . . . than younglings to their dam.''

He will not be so willing, I think, to join with you as with us younglings.


Youngling \Young"ling\, a. Young; youthful.


a. young; youthful n. A young person, animal or plant; chit.

Usage examples of "youngling".

When the core group claimed the herds, we added adoptees from other Clans, orphans and younglings who had some problems and wanted a fresh start.

No matter how well you think you shield, youngling, when you care for someone the way you two cared for each other, things are bound to get throughwill you, nill you.

Younglings were waiting on Keiss for transport to Shola when were kidnapped by a Valtegan officer.

Fraij, do you remember a message from some youngling in that area saying her parents had gone overside into the psychoplanetary fad, and she needed arguments to combat them?

I was a youngling and pranksome elders tried to scare me with wild tales of human wizards!

And, while a youngling could be shown one of the Barkers, a Tusked One, or even a vile Ratton in the flesh, he had to depend solely upon such representations of Demons for identification.

In the first spring flight we saw the new-hatched younglings, soft and scaleless, their awkward, half-spread wings still glistening sticky white.

Or shall this youngling ride at all adventure, and seek to Sunway through the blind woodland?

So he had sent his females and younglings into what he believed good hiding in a rock-walled place where there was but one entrance, which would be well defended by two nonbreeding females, both formidable opponents.

Interruptest Thought, Thou Breakest Concentration, As Thou Didst With That Youngling, Thou Lengthenest The Great Journey!

It was likely that, in all the time they had yet to spend among regul, they would never meet the honorable, the reverence bai Hulagh Alagn-ni, only the younglings that served him as crew and aides and messengers.

Stavros, it would leave Duncan himself helpless, unable to communicate with the general run of younglings, and, as Stavros had once pointed out, regul younglings would not admit him to contact with the likes of bai Hulagh, who were the only regul capable of fluent human speech.

The bai wishes his ship manned at all hours, and he wishes the crew, naturally—” The youngling moved uneasily, looking at Eddan, who did not move.

Hulagh regretted his temper in the interval, for Hada had tried to do well, and Hada’s position was not enviable, a youngling trying to treat with mri arrogance and a bai’s impatience.

Streight downe she ranne, like an enraged cow,That is berobbed of her youngling dere,With knife in hand, and fatally did vow,To wreake her on that mayden messengere,Whom she had causd be kept as prisonere,By Artegall, misween'd for her owne Knight,That brought her backe.