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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a worrying/disturbing aspect
▪ The worrying aspect is that it gets worse every year.
an alarming/worrying/disturbing trend
▪ I have detected a worrying trend of late.
▪ But more worrying is that Ragu is losing his present battle.
▪ Their appearance is more worrying than the actual effect on the fish.
▪ Her instinct told her that it was something far more worrying.
▪ It is even more worrying that relatively minor powers are now acquiring nuclear weapons.
▪ Even more worrying, what did Jennifer and her parents think at seeing her with David and at hearing Belinda's announcement?
▪ Effects like these are far from isolated and would seem to indicate a deeper and more worrying problem with the actual System itself.
▪ He had lapsed into a frozen silence which she found more worrying than his screams.
▪ But it's the undertow of precocious sexuality, the child-woman come-on, that's more worrying.
▪ The most worrying feature of the Bill is the issue of fault.
▪ One of the most worrying aspects is the danger posed by irresponsible and loony left local authorities.
▪ The most worrying thing is that she won't eat.
▪ What must be most worrying for Michael Fallon's campaign team is the poll tax factor.
▪ The most worrying thing was Deane, he didn't click at all.
▪ The new and, for Tories, most worrying phenomenon is the way Tory governments' traditional electoral strengths now seem weaknesses.
▪ But I knew what was really worrying her at that moment.
▪ She was annoyed with herself for not stating openly what was really worrying her.
▪ When mum feels terrible it gets really, really worrying.
▪ No, the really worrying thing was that my side ended up losing 3-1.
▪ What is really worrying is the attitude of the officials concerned.
▪ But the skinhead shit you're flirting with is really worrying me.
▪ The comparative figures one year later of 14% and 10.9% are still worrying.
▪ Inflation remains 5% a month, a big improvement on a year ago but still worrying.
▪ They are still worrying about the foundations of quantum mechanics that were laid down sixty-five years ago.
▪ He was still worrying at the knot when they exploded.
▪ Marielle is still worrying at her Ravel.
▪ For although much was laughable, much was also very worrying.
▪ Things were not very good in those days, and the financial situation was very worrying.
▪ The low-level, continuous exposure arising from aluminium sulphate in water purification is very worrying.
▪ From here until half time Leeds played shite and it was very worrying.
▪ They are very worrying little creatures.
▪ He then had a number of convulsions, and it was a very worrying time for us all.
▪ a worrying rise in crime
▪ a worrying upsurge in violence
▪ It must have been a worrying time for you.
▪ The possibility that I might lose my job is very worrying.
▪ But when it got seriously worrying I went to my doctor.
▪ Certain situations may be particularly worrying for nurses new to the surgical ward.
▪ She says it's so worrying, I just don't know what to do.
▪ The fact that everybody around me looked and sounded completely different from myself was worrying and disconcerting.
▪ The most worrying thing is that she won't eat.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Worry \Wor"ry\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Worried; p. pr. & vb. n. Worrying.] [OE. worowen, wirien, to strangle, AS. wyrgan in [=a]wyrgan; akin to D. worgen, wurgen, to strangle, OHG. wurgen, G. w["u]rgen, Lith. verszti, and perhaps to E. wring.]

  1. To harass by pursuit and barking; to attack repeatedly; also, to tear or mangle with the teeth.

    A hellhound that doth hunt us all to death; That dog that had his teeth before his eyes, To worry lambs and lap their gentle blood.

  2. To harass or beset with importunity, or with care an anxiety; to vex; to annoy; to torment; to tease; to fret; to trouble; to plague. ``A church worried with reformation.''

    Let them rail, And worry one another at their pleasure.

    Worry him out till he gives consent.

  3. To harass with labor; to fatigue. [Colloq.]

  1. induce worry. n. The act of worrying or harassing somebody. v

  2. (present participle of worry English)


adj. causing distress or worry or anxiety; "distressing (or disturbing) news"; "lived in heroic if something distressful isolation"; "a disturbing amount of crime"; "a revelation that was most perturbing"; "a new and troubling thought"; "in a particularly worrisome predicament"; "a worrying situation"; "a worrying time" [syn: distressing, distressful, disturbing, perturbing, troubling, worrisome]

  1. n. the act of harassing someone [syn: badgering, torment, bedevilment]

  2. the act of moving something by repeated tugs or pushes; "vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw"

Usage examples of "worrying".

That impression, however, he desired to deepen, and whilst Armand was worrying his brain to find a plausible excuse for going away, de Batz was racking his to find one for keeping him here.

But if I find them giving themselves airs, or monopolizing my father, or at all ill-treating him, or worrying him with their artistic beastliness, I intend to put my foot down, yes, firmly.

She was continually worrying over rattlesnakes and diphtheria and pneumonia, and begging Brit to sell out and live in town.

Do me a favour, Miss Mallow, put them back on and start pretending you are forty or so again, so I can stop worrying about you.

Stephen was sitting on the capstan, eating a mangosteen and staring at the mongoose as it played with his handkerchief, tossing it up, catching it, worrying it to death.

Kirk had given up worrying about the growing intimacy between Maslin and Uhura.

No more getting up at five in the morning to drive to the studio, no more worrying about every new line on my face, no more exercises to save my gluteus medius, no more punishment.

We lay awake at night, worrying lest the ewes should overlie their lambs, and we got up again and again to see that all was well.

My own mother sat alone on Bobolink Drive all day, talking to her parakeet, Petey, and worrying about dead children.

An appearance hereabouts of Inspector Machecoul from Renseignements Generaux, worrying about security, would simply alert some eager little aide de camp to the need for same.

Too bad, with Sarge and myself waiting so patiently to hear what was worrying the old coot.

She and Silvan had been worrying for months about Drustan wedding the Elliott lass.

Liko, who had been anxiously worrying his bone, was up on his legs whining, sniffing, and looking back and forth between Soli and me.

But what made Roelm go from worrying over malfunctioning transductors to accusations of sabotage?

Ted Worley, who just moments earlier had been minding his own business and watching his beloved Orioles, would now spend the rest of that night and most of the next week worrying about tumors growing wild in his bladder.