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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He admitted to the doctor that he was a worrier and found it hard to relax.
▪ My grandmother was always a worrier, and I take after her.
▪ Stop being such a worrier.
▪ Bless her, she was such a little worrier.
▪ We will show you how worriers make winners.
▪ Whatever else he was, Blondel wasn't a worrier.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wariangle \War`i*an"gle\, n. [OE. wariangel, weryangle; cf. AS. wearg outlaw, criminal, OHG, warg, warch, Goth. wargs (in comp.), G. w["u]rgengel, i. e., destroying angel, destroyer, killer, and E. worry.] (Zo["o]l.) The red-backed shrike ( Lanius collurio); -- called also w["u]rger, worrier, and throttler. [Written also warriangle, weirangle, etc.] [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]


n. A person who worry a great deal, especially unnecessarily.


n. thinks about unfortunate things that might happen [syn: fuss-budget, fusspot, worrywart]

Usage examples of "worrier".

Willie the Worrier, who is called by this name because he is always worrying about something, and what he is generally worrying about is a short bankroll, or his ever-loving wife, and sometimes both, though mostly it is his wife.

Judy about half as old as Willie the Worrier, and this alone is enough to start any guy worrying, and what is more she is easily vexed, especially by Willie.

Willie the Worrier figures Unser Fritz is just trying to get sarcastic with him for the benefit of the crowd around his stand in asking for such a thing as a price on Cara Mia third, and in fact the idea of anybody asking a price third on a horse that some bookmakers will not accept any more wagers on first, or even second, is so humorous that many characters laugh right out loud.

Willie the Worrier, and tells Willie if he will send a clerk with him, he will go to the jug and get the balance of the money that is now due Willie.

Willie the Worrier and his ever-loving make up again, and she is not going to leave him after all.

Clearly, decision-making and self-help planning would help the indecisive worrier cope and move on.

Also, the worrier should be reminded that half of the formula for anxiety is self-doubt about being able to handle the expected crisis.

Who would imagine that such a worrier would come to wear the crown of the Isles?

Shawno, always the worrier of the group, quickly poked his head outside to see that no one was watching, then softly closed the door.

The biggest centauroid lashed out to thump the worrier between his retracted primary eyestalks.

The worrier instantly retracted his dorsal eyestalks and extended his primaries.

Then, of course, since I was such a worrier, I wondered if he would learn that the stallions had gone to Camelot and seek them out there.

Now the chances are Willie the Worrier figures Unser Fritz is just trying to get sarcastic with him for the benefit of the crowd around his stand in asking for such a thing as a price on Cara Mia third, and in fact the idea of anybody asking a price third on a horse that some bookmakers will not accept any more wagers on first, or even second, is so humorous that many characters laugh right out loud.

Thus, the worrier needs to use the cognitive methods cited above to straighten out his/her thinking, making it more realistic and stopping the "awfulizing" or "catastrophizing.

He appeals to that type—to the worriers of all electorates, not just the ones who happen to be in Defense.