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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Wireless telephone

Wireless \Wire"less\, a. Having no wire; specif. (Elec.), designating, or pertaining to, a method of telegraphy, telephony, or other information transmisssion, in which the messages, data, etc., are transmitted through space by electric waves; as, a wireless message; a wireless network; a wireless keyboard.

Wireless telegraphy or Wireless telegraph (Elec.), any system of telegraphy employing no connecting wire or wires between the transmitting and receiving stations.

Note: Although more or less successful researchers were made on the subject by Joseph Henry, Hertz, Oliver Lodge, and others, the first commercially successful system was that of Guglielmo Marconi, patented in March, 1897. Marconi employed electric waves of high frequency set up by an induction coil in an oscillator, these waves being launched into space through a lofty antenna. The receiving apparatus consisted of another antenna in circuit with a coherer and small battery for operating through a relay the ordinary telegraphic receiver. This apparatus contains the essential features of all the systems now in use.

Wireless telephone, an apparatus or contrivance for wireless telephony.

Wireless telephony, telephony without wires, usually employing electric waves of high frequency emitted from an oscillator or generator, as in wireless telegraphy. A telephone transmitter causes fluctuations in these waves, it being the fluctuations only which affect the receiver.

wireless telephone
  1. n. telephony that uses transmission by radio rather than by wire [syn: radiotelephone, radiotelephony]

  2. a telephone that communicates by radio waves rather than along cables [syn: radiotelephone, radiophone]

Usage examples of "wireless telephone".

Though he no longer spoke of mechanical engineering and though he was reticent about his opinion of his instructors, he seemed no more reconciled to college, and his chief interest was his wireless telephone set.

This thing over my head is like a wireless telephone receiver, capable of detecting a current of even a quarter of a microampere.

This is a wireless telephone you perhaps have seen announced recently -=20 good for several hundred feet - through walls and everything.

Shaw was staring grimly through the window, controlling the formation of our ships through a wireless telephone.

The crew checked out the sub's systems while the captain tested the UQC, an underwater wireless telephone that connected the sub with the support ship.

It was our intention to provide wireless telephone apparatus with which we might have kept you informed of all our doings and discoveries, but unfortunately we have found it impracticable to utilize our control for that purpose.

No doubt about it, it was more than a wireless telephone, it was an amazingly small two-way combination radio and television.