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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Today's church is being forced willy-nilly to deal with today's social problems.
▪ It seemed as though rival nests of ants had been poured together willy-nilly.
▪ Josie and Shaun have become, willy-nilly, media celebrities.
▪ She had always thought that, and she had been involved with him, willy-nilly, over the house.
▪ The heart and lungs carried on willy-nilly, keeping me going, keeping me awake.
▪ They exist willy-nilly, whatever the time, whatever the party.
▪ You breed, willy-nilly, and lo and behold! you find life isn't ever going to be the same again.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nill \Nill\, v. i. To be unwilling; to refuse to act.

The actions of the will are ``velle'' and ``nolle,'' to will and nill.

Will he, nill he, whether he wills it or not; usually contracted to willy-nilly.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, contraction of will I, nill I, or will he, nill he, or will ye, nill ye, literally "with or without the will of the person concerned." See nill + will (v.1).


adv. 1 Whether desired or not. 2 Without regard for consequences or the will of those affected. 3 Seemingly at random, haphazardly

  1. adv. in a random manner; "the houses were randomly scattered"; "bullets were fired into the crowd at random" [syn: randomly, indiscriminately, haphazardly, arbitrarily, at random, every which way]

  2. without having a choice

Usage examples of "willy-nilly".

However, more than even beer, Bill desired to keep his carotid artery unsevered and to prevent his blood from spurting willy-nilly about the desert floor.

Since a good part of the teardown has already been accomplished, willy-nilly, I intend that we do the rest of it, pack up and head east.

Conversing about politics, under such a stimulus, would have prov'd animated enough, without reckoning in as well the effects of drink, tobacco, whose smoke one inhales here willy-nilly with every breath, and sugar, to be found at every hand in lucent brown cones great and little, Ic'd Cupcakes by the platter-ful, all manner of punches and flips, pies of the locality, crullers, muffins, and custards, no table that does not hold some sweet memento, for those it matters to, of the cane thickets, the chains, the cruel Sugar-Islands.

Because the memory demy filled his mind, dragging him back willy-nilly to a time place and even a person far different than the man he now was.

Sir William and you would just tie Dunning and the girl up together, willy-nilly, to save appearances, and ten to one but there'll be the deuce to pay in a year's time.

Tanked up on brew, brain flying high, visions of Avalon, Valhalla, Olympus, the Holy Bar and Grill dancing willy-nilly in his noodle Joan of Arc, watch out.

There was no time after dawn when it was not a mass of boats of all sizes, many of them equipped with completely illegal rams and spikes, many locked together willy-nilly in raftlike complexes, the occupants swearing and flailing at each other with oars, paddles, barge poles, whips, boarding hooks, and specialized assegailike weapons developed by the more ingenious.

She'd been peremptorily snatched away by Trag, shoved onto the moon shuttle, and without a shred of background data about the vagaries of the Trundomoux, delivered willy-nilly to a naval autocracy to cope with the exigencies of installing millions of credits' worth of black communication crystal for a bunch of skeptical spartan pioneers.

Zanni uncoiled his incongruously big whip, gave it a brisk snap, the ferrymen let go—and the geese, willy-nilly, went off in an impetuous swoop downriver, having to hurry to keep the tub from running over them.

When these dark folk were forever asking for you, it galled me to distraction that I could not with honor oblige them… So like a fool I set flight willy-nilly toward my father's house, thinking only to escape hearing your name for a while.

Terence and I, ignoring the conventions of class, grabbed the hampers, satchel, parcels, rugs, and Jane out of the hansom cab and flung them willy-nilly into the second-class carriage.

No one of the honorary degrees thrust upon him willy-nilly by the universities of the world described him half so accurately as did this title-a chance paradox applied by a newspaper man.

And perhaps it is this hard, magnetic core inside you which attracts others to you willy-nilly.

It was Captain Sisko's idea to march them across the most forbid- ding landscape imaginable so they would be forced, willy-nilly, to discover three of the four basic engines of antiquity: the lever, the pulley, and the inclined plane (neither the captain nor Chief O'Brien could think of a way to introduce the Tiffnakis to the water screw).

It was Captain Sisko's idea to march them across the most forbidding landscape imaginable so they would be forced, willy-nilly, to discover three of the four basic engines of antiquity: the lever, the pulley, and the inclined plane (neither the captain nor Chief O'Brien could think of a way to introduce the Tiffnakis to the water screw).