a. Having white hair, especially from ageing.
adj. showing characteristics of age, especially having gray or white hair; "whose beard with age is hoar"-Coleridge; "nodded his hoary head" [syn: gray, grey, gray-haired, grey-haired, gray-headed, grey-headed, grizzly, hoar, hoary]
favorite; "the fair-haired boy of the literary set" [syn: blue-eyed(a), fair-haired(a), white-haired(a)]
Usage examples of "white-haired".
Ryessman, the Burgomaster, was six feet two inches tall, a white-haired ex-cavalry officer with a duelling scar on his forehead.
Like Jack Sarmon, Harry made the mistake of thinking the white-haired man was a servant, particularly when Mayland took his hat and coat, to hang them in the rear hall.
The white-haired chief relaxed his steepled fingers and smiled earnestly at his undermin.
As the portly, white-haired surgeon entered with a bustle of importance, Gabby caught a glimpse of Stivers and Mrs.
He got up as she came in and introduced her to a stoutish, white-haired old man in a dinner-jacket.
Alucius slipped both into the space that looked like a window without glass and watched as a white-haired man with one of the ubiquitous silver torques took both.
Something of the sense of the impending, that comes over the spectator of a Greek tragedy, had entered that upholstered room, filled with those white-haired, frockcoated old men, and fashionably attired women, who were all of the same blood, between all of whom existed an unseizable resemblance.
Even slender white-haired Vandene Namelle and her mirror-image first-sister Adeleas, who usually looked the most imperturbable of them all.
Norwich drill field, a wrinkled, white-haired and -bearded old man wearing the garb of a high-ranking churchman sat in converse with an olive-skinned man of middle years in a candle-lit chamber of the archepiscopal palace, Yorkminster.
Just before the technician switched off the light, Rohan managed to locate the white-haired cranium of the astrogator amid all the other heads.
At the back, a few white-haired, white-skinned boys and girls stood like trees among saplings, straining to hear, Clubfoot and the Warlock took turns at the window to tell tales of dragon fights, wars of magic, ancient kingdoms, strange half-human peoples .
I got back, Mimi and the white-haired girl Traci Louise Fishman had identified as Kerri were climbing into the Alfa.
Tottery, white-haired, half senile, the mage had gone down the line of horseboys and come back twice before stopping in front of Gawaine and leveling a trembly, liver-spotted hand at his nose.
The plump, red-faced and white-haired man in the hills had been friendly, but how was Ahmed to talk to him?
Some weeks previously and many leagues to the north of that Norwich drill field, a wrinkled, white-haired and -bearded old man wearing the garb of a high-ranking churchman sat in converse with an olive-skinned man of middle years in a candle-lit chamber of the archepiscopal palace, Yorkminster.