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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Wherein \Where*in"\, adv.

  1. In which; in which place, thing, time, respect, or the like; -- used relatively.

    Her clothes wherein she was clad.

    There are times wherein a man ought to be cautious as well as innocent.

  2. In what; -- used interrogatively.

    Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him!
    --Mal. ii. 17.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 13c., from where + in. Similar formation in Dutch waarin, German worin, Swedish vari, Danish hvori.


adv. How, or in what way. conj. 1 Where, or in which location. 2 During which. 3 How, or in what way.

  1. adv. in regard to which; "a case wherein he took an active part"

  2. in the course or during which; "a period wherein he did not work"

  3. in which; where; "the particular state wherein you reside"

  4. in what; "wherein consists this matter?"

Usage examples of "wherein".

It extended to his fate in the other world--too probably, in his eyes, that endless, yearless, undivided fate, wherein the breath still breathed into the soul of man by his Maker is no longer the breath of life, but the breath of infinite death-- Sole Positive of Night, Antipathist of Light, giving to the ideal darkness a real and individual hypostasis in helpless humanity, keeping men alive that the light in them may continue to be darkness.

The old meeting-house was two stories in height, the lower story having been formerly used by the Free Grace Believers as a place wherein to celebrate certain obscure mysteries appertaining to their belief.

Suggested form of report, to be made quarterly by the responsible head of each Institution wherein animal experimentation is authorized.

In the entire volume, can one find a single instance wherein a cruel experiment has been censured, or a cruel experimenter been condemned by name?

Thrice the horologers have looked into the great crystal globe wherein are foretold all happenings to be, and thrice the globe was blank.

Myrrour the fourme of his countenaunce and vysage: And if he amende suche fautes as he redeth here wherein he knoweth hymself gylty, and passe forth the resydue of his lyfe in the order of good maners than shall he haue the fruyte and auauntage wherto I haue translatyd this boke.

On the surface of the cloth stream that poured past him, he pictured radiant futures wherein he performed prodigies of toil, invented miraculous machines, won to the mastership of the mills, and in the end took her in his arms and kissed her soberly on the brow.

I believe Baltimore and Savannah limit, northward and southward, the region wherein the maturing process can be thoroughly perfected.

These two groups of sects, however, agree perfectly with the ancient orthodox Brahmans in accepting the fundamental dogma of a judicial metempsychosis, wherein each one is fastened by his acts and compelled to experience the uttermost consequences of his merit or demerit.

Magnify ye, then, His station, for behold, He is poised in the midmost heart of the All-Highest Paradise as the embodiment of the praise of God in the Tabernacle wherein His glorification is intoned.

And in case he be so sequestred, then though he afterwards die not, the House wherein he sickened shall be shut up for a Moneth, after the use of due Preservatives taken by the rest.

He was picturing the things that he could accomplish by a return to a more vigorous life, wherein he could outmatch the best efforts of his brother Leon.

GREAT BOOK, tile Seventy-first on LOVE, wherein nothing is written, but the Reader receives a Lanthorn, a Powder-cask and a Pick-axe, and therewith pursues his yellow-dusking path across the rubble of preceding excavators in the solitary quarry: a yet more instructive passage than the overscrawled Seventieth, or French Section, whence the chapter opens, and where hitherto the polite world has halted.

Ultonia, wherein, first announcing the kingdom of God, he had brought its inhabitants unto the faith of Christ, and whose country he had more frequently in his perlustrations illustrated with his holy presence.

In 1139 she crossed to England, wherein siege, in battle, in council, in hair-breadth escapes from pursuing hosts, from famine, from perils of the sea, she showed the masterful authority, the impetuous daring, the pertinacity which she had inherited from her Norman ancestors.