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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Water was considered most important and given a weighting of 10.
▪ Each of the 15 factors is given a weighting, so that the total weighting for the 15 factors comes to 25.
▪ Images can be produced which reflect either T1 weighting, T2 weighting, or a combination of both.
▪ In this case, the relative weighting of lexical:syntax:semantics could be 4:2:1.
▪ It also offers perimeter weighting, greater face thickness than any steel driver and feel and sound comparable with persimmon.
▪ The consequence of this weighting is that young children are rarely taught by men.
▪ This understanding of the subject matter contains an implicit weighting of the priorities.
▪ Top weighting had to be achieved by the disposition of proportion, ornament and light.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Weight \Weight\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weighted; p. pr. & vb. n. Weighting.]

  1. To load with a weight or weights; to load down; to make heavy; to attach weights to; as, to weight a horse or a jockey at a race; to weight a whip handle.

    The arrows of satire, . . . weighted with sense.

  2. (Astron. & Physics) To assign a weight to; to express by a number the probable accuracy of, as an observation. See Weight of observations, under Weight.

  3. (Dyeing) To load (fabrics) as with barite, to increase the weight, etc.

  4. (Math.) to assign a numerical value expressing relative importance to (a measurement), to be multiplied by the value of the measurement in determining averages or other aggregate quantities; as, they weighted part one of the test twice as heavily as part 2.


n. (context figuratively English) weights. vb. (present participle of weight English)


n. (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance [syn: weight]


The process of weighting involves emphasizing the contribution of some aspects of a phenomenon (or of a set of data) to a final effect or result, giving them more weight in the analysis. That is, rather than each variable in the data contributing equally to the final result, some data are adjusted to contribute more than others. It is analogous to the practice of adding extra weight to one side of a pair of scales to favour a buyer or seller.

While weighting may be applied to a set of data, such as epidemiological data, it is more commonly applied to measurements of light, heat, sound, gamma radiation, in fact any stimulus that is spread over a spectrum of frequencies.

Weighting (album)

Weighting is a 2004 album by Rollins Band that consists of additional songs written for the 1994 Rollins Band album Weight and live performance material.

Usage examples of "weighting".

I could almost have suspected him of weighting the game when he threw the Wolf and the Storm first toss when all I could come up with was the Reed and the Harp, and that on my third throw.

Sanglant slept beside her, touching her only where an ankle crossed hers, weighting it down.

Alacrity gently detached the drop-netting from his brolly and hung it across the mouth of the cave, weighting the bottom and filling in gaps with dirt.

A master horologe, whose duty it was to determine the intime of returning pilots according to complicated formulae weighting Einsteinian time distortions against the unpredictable deformations of the manifold, had told me that Soli had aged one hundred and three years this last journey and would have died but for the skills of the Lord Cetic.

The cumbersome bliaut and chemise of rich royal blue velvet were as heavy as the dread weighting her shoulders.

That was when she built herself a computerized drum machine, programming it to write and play its own intersecting polyrhythms, using insanely complex weighting algorithms to make it stay with the stuff she finds pleasing.

This latter, the commonest of the species on the island, produces its flowers in long spikes in the axils of the leaves on the minor branches, weighting such branches with semi-pendulous plumes laden with haunting perfume.

Still, when the kender reappeared at the curve in the path, strolling along with a pack of angry cats pacing him, Chane was already binding vines to a log and weighting it with stones.

Each race had its own set of weightings and very often its own set of questions.

But a computer couldn't advise him, couldn't tell him that omitting an answer here and an answer there would upset all those delicately balanced weightings and inevitably distort the all-important win factors.

And then, if he was like Jonathan, he might have changed the weightings anyway, just to prevent Angelo from profiting.

Because it’s not far out of my normal character to feel that way inclined—Hanta didn’t rebuild her/me, she just tweaked a few weightings in my mind map.