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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
war memorial
▪ A Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament banner was unfurled and carried round the war memorial before one of those carrying it was arrested.
▪ Charles and Diana did not speak as they climbed into their limousine to drive to the war memorial.
▪ For many years his family thought he was dead, and his name was only recently removed from the village war memorial.
▪ It had been commissioned by students and was situated near the official war memorial on Hewitt Plaza.
▪ The heavy plaque was stolen from the war memorial in King's Gardens, Bootle, four weeks ago.
▪ The village band, all discordant trumpetings and squeaks, led the congregation in procession to the war memorial.
▪ We had staked out the war memorial where the secret meeting was destined to occur.
War memorial

A war memorial is a building, monument, statue or other edifice to celebrate a war or victory, or (predominating in modern times) to commemorate those who died or were injured in a war.

War Memorial (Floriana)

The War Memorial is a memorial obelisk in Floriana, Malta, which commemorates the dead of World War I and World War II. It was inaugurated on 11 November 1938 by Governor Charles Bonham-Carter to the memory of those killed in World War I, but in 1949 it was rededicated to those killed in both world wars. The monument was designed by Louis Naudi, who was influenced by Antonio Sciortino.

The monument is an obelisk in the form of a Latin cross, and it is built out of local globigerina limestone. It has four plaques showing the colonial badge of Malta and reproductions of a document issued by King George V in 1918 acknowledging Malta's role in World War I, the letter by which King George VI awarded the George Cross to Malta in 1942, and a 1943 scroll by President Franklin D. Roosevelt saluting Malta for its role in World War II.

The War Memorial is located close to the Malta Memorial which is dedicated to Commonwealth aircrew who died in World War II, and memorials to the Royal Malta Artillery and The King's Own Malta Regiment. It was originally positioned halfway between City Gate and Ġlormu Cassar Avenue, but was relocated during the realigning of St. Anne Street in 1954. The memorial was restored and the area around it landscaped in the early 2010s. An eternal flame was installed at this point.

The President and Prime Minister as well as other dignitaries lay wreathes at the monument at an annual remembrance ceremony.

The memorial is scheduled as a Grade 1 national monument.

Usage examples of "war memorial".

He left the building and walked to a bench in the small war memorial park, a stretch of lawn between the library and railroad station.

Why these locations were selected, no one knew, but at least Josephs could never be accused of not having an imagination: the black box at Pearl was supposedly hidden in the flag mast of the USS Arizona, the battleship that was destroyed by the Japanese sneak attack and that still sat half sunk in the harbor serving as a war memorial.

He met Andy Criss, and they walked over to one of the benches that used to stand where the War Memorial was - you know, where the Canal goes underground.

Then my father with a wreath, in front of the War Memorial at its dedication—.

As for the Beakkalis, we've already punished them for their poor judgment at the Senasar War Memorial.

Or were they simply hoping to complete their despicable desecration and be gone from the Senasar War Memorial before Leto could respond?

For the past two years the problem of the War Memorial had exercised the minds of all those in Crome who had enough leisure, or mental energy, or party spirit to think of such things.