abbr. (context US English) Washington, a state of the United States of America. init. 1 (context netball English) wing attack. 2 Western Australia, a state of Australia.
Wa or WA may refer to:
Japanese is the oldest recorded name of Japan. Chinese, Korean, and Japanese scribes regularly wrote Wa or Yamato "Japan" with the Chinese character 倭 until the 8th century, when the Japanese replaced it with 和 "harmony, peace, balance."
わ, in hiragana, or ワ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, which each represent one mora. It represents and has origins in the character 和. There is also a small ゎ/ヮ, that is used to write the morae /kwa/ and /gwa/ (くゎ, ぐゎ), which are obsolete in contemporary standard Japanese but still exist in the Ryukyuan languages. Katakana ワ is also sometimes written with dakuten, ヷ, to represent a sound in foreign words; however, most IMEs lack a convenient way to write this. It is far more common to represent the /va/ sound with the combination ヴァ.
Normal w-
(わ行 wa-gyō)
wā, wah
わあ, わぁ
ワア, ワァ
The kana は (ha) is read as “wa” when it represents a particle.
Wa ( , also waa or wah, abbreviated ) is a unit of length, equal to 2 metres (2 m) or 4 sok (.) Wa as a verb means to outstretch (one's) arms to both sides, which relates to the fathom's distance between the fingertips of a man's outstretched arms. The 1833 Siamese-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce, reads:
"[The] Siamese fathom ... being computed to contain 78 English or American inches, corresponding to 96 Siamese inches."
The length then would have been equivalent to a modern 1.981 metres. Since conversion to the metric system in 1923, the length as derived from the metre is precisely two metres, but the unit is neither part of nor recognized by the modern International metric system (SI).
Wa also occurs as a colloquialism for 'square wa' ( tarangwa,) a unit of area abbreviated or .)
As for many terms normally written in the Thai alphabet, romanization of Thai causes spelling variants such as waa and '' wah''.
is a Japanese cultural concept usually translated into English as "harmony". It implies a peaceful unity and conformity within a social group, in which members prefer the continuation of a harmonious community over their personal interests. The kanji character is also a name for "Japan; Japanese", replacing the original graphic pejorative transcription Wa 倭 "dwarf/submissive people".
Wa is considered integral to Japanese society, and derives from traditional Japanese family values. Individuals who break the idea of wa to further their own purposes are brought in line either overtly or covertly, by reprimands from a superior or by their family or colleagues tacit disapproval. Hierarchical structures exist in Japanese society primarily to ensure the continuation of wa. Public disagreement with the party line is generally suppressed in the interests of preserving the communal harmony.
Japanese businesses encourage wa in the workplace, with employees typically given a career for life in order to foster a strong association with their colleagues and firm. Rewards and bonuses are usually given to groups, rather than individuals, further enforcing the concept of group unity.
和 is also the theme of the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan, in summer 2015.
is one of syllable in Javanese script that represent the sound /ʋɔ/, /ʋa/. It is transliterated to Latin as "wa", and sometimes in Indonesian orthography as "wo". It has another form (pasangan), which is , but represented by a single Unicode code point, U+A9B3.
Wa are a traditional proa-style sailing outrigger canoe of the Caroline Islands. They have a single outrigger.
ㅘ is one of the Korean hangul. The Unicode for ㅘ is U+3158.
Usage examples of "wa".
Lage bomen, scheefgegroeid door de constante zeewind, waren bedekt met een goudgroen waas en op de akkers waren boeren aan het ploegen, ondanks het grauwe en koude voorjaar waarvan iedereen de Vesuvius de schuld gaf.
Form zu Form, bis nach unnennbaren Zeiten sie bereit waren, auf der Erde als Menschen geboren zu werden.
Die Zunge hing ihm aus dem Maul, seine Augen waren toll vor Angst, und die fremden Hunde rannten dicht hinter ihm drein!
Sie sah zu ihm auf, und ihre Augen waren wie Teiche, in die die Sonne scheint.
Schnabel blitzte in dem roten Licht, die Augen darin waren keine Menschenaugen.
Jahr 1793, wo Fourier in Lyon lebte, diese Ideen bei ihm noch nicht zur Reife gekommen, obgleich die Keime dazu bereits bei ihm vorhanden waren und seine Denk- und Handlungsweise bestimmten.
Maar soms ook waren het de Moulangers en de Des Luynes, die uit Parijs of Bordeaux kwamen en in wie Eline met vreugde een bekend element van distinctie terug vond.
Om de kransdieren moesten ze nu lachen en ze wisten inmiddels dat de beten van de slangenhalzen alleen pijnlijk en voor hen niet giftig waren, hoewel het diertje wel degelijk een gif had dat zijn prooi doodde.
Felipe Reyes had Sandoz in betere tijden gekend en was zelf verminkt toen hij in Pakistan studeerde, waardoor Emilio misschien afstapte van het idee dat zijn belevenissen uniek waren.
Toen ze de laatste bocht in de rivier door waren en hij afmeerde bij de kade van Kashan, waren Marc Robichaux, George Edwards en Jimmy Quinn zich erop aan het voorbereiden te worden opgewacht door rouwende mensen.
Particuliere voertuigen waren in de stad verboden, een maatregel die de verkeersdrukte had teruggedrongen maar die tevens vrij spel bood aan de agressiefste chauffeurs.
Jugend gewesen waren, wenn sie geglaubt hatte, sie habe ihrem Bruder ein Spiel gewinnen helfen.
Maths Kammer verlassen hatten und ins Sonnenlicht getreten waren, starrte Gilvaethwy seinen Bruder mit aufgerissenen Augen an.
Hij had zijn bord vrijwel meteen opzijgeschoven en Emilio deed nu hetzelfde, omdat hij zijn buik al vol had door de hapjes die hem tijdens zijn wandeling door het dorp waren opgedrongen.
Wach ward ich nah dabei Caesars und Solons inne, Doch keinen, dass er neidisch waer.