Vyšehoří (German: Wischehor) is a village and municipality ( obec) in Šumperk District in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic.
The municipality covers an area of , and has a population of 200 (as at 3 July 2006).
Vyšehoří lies approximately west of Šumperk, north-west of Olomouc, and east of Prague.
The name is derived from its locality „higher in the mountains“ (Vyše - higher, hoří - mountains) as it is situated in Drozdovská vrchovina highlands. The very first note about the village comes from 1397 when Vyšehoří was transferred from Ruda nad Moravou manor to Zábřeh manor. The village was part of Zábřeh manor to the fall of the feudal system in 1848.