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The Collaborative International Dictionary
voltaic couple

Couple \Cou"ple\ (k[u^]p"'l), n. [F. couple, fr. L. copula a bond, band; co- + apere, aptum, to join. See Art, a., and cf. Copula.]

  1. That which joins or links two things together; a bond or tie; a coupler. [Obs.]

    It is in some sort with friends as it is with dogs in couples; they should be of the same size and humor.

    I'll go in couples with her.

  2. Two of the same kind connected or considered together; a pair; a brace. ``A couple of shepherds.''
    --Sir P. Sidney. ``A couple of drops''
    --Addison. ``A couple of miles.''
    --Dickens. ``A couple of weeks.''

    Adding one to one we have the complex idea of a couple.

    [Ziba] met him with a couple of asses saddled.
    --2 Sam. xvi. 1.

  3. A male and female associated together; esp., a man and woman who are married or betrothed.

    Such were our couple, man and wife.

    Fair couple linked in happy, nuptial league.

  4. (Arch.) See Couple-close.

  5. (Elec.) One of the pairs of plates of two metals which compose a voltaic battery; -- called a voltaic couple or galvanic couple.

  6. (Mech.) Two rotations, movements, etc., which are equal in amount but opposite in direction, and acting along parallel lines or around parallel axes.

    Note: The effect of a couple of forces is to produce a rotation. A couple of rotations is equivalent to a motion of translation.

voltaic couple

n. The pair of plates (made of different metals or other conductive materials), and separated by an electrolyte, which form a voltaic cell (in a battery, for example).