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visual communication

n. communication that relies on vision

Visual communication

Visual communication is communication through a visual aid and is described as the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon. Visual communication in part or whole relies on vision, and is primarily presented or expressed with two dimensional images, it includes: signs, typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration, Industrial Design, Advertising, Animation colour and electronic resources. It also explores the idea that a visual message accompanying text has a greater power to inform, educate, or persuade a person or audience

Visual Communication (journal)

Visual Communication is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers on the visual dimension of language and communication. The journal's editors are Carey Jewitt ( Institute of Education), Theo Van Leeuwn ( University of Technology, Sydney), Michael Longford ( York University) and Teal Triggs ( University of the Arts, London) . It has been in publication since 2002 and is currently published by SAGE Publications.