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n. (plural of viga English)

Usage examples of "vigas".

The smoke spread along the sagging vigas above them and little streams of liquid clay started down from the sod roof.

Glanton held the candle aloft and directed one of the recruits to boost the other on his shoulders and the boy reached along the top of one of the vigas until he found a space and he fitted the end of the rope through and let it down and they hauled on it and raised the mute and strugĀ­gling alcalde into the air.

The vigas were partly down and hunters or herdsmen had built fires in the floor.

He stretched out on the bed and looked up at the carved vigas of the ceiling.

The ceiling was covered by latillas, small branches placed across vigas, poles that acted as a roof support, the windows were covered by willow-twig shutters.

The ceiling was covered by latillas, small branches placed across vigas, poles that acted as a roof support.