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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Venomous \Ven"om*ous\, a. [OE. venemous, venimous, F. venimeux, L. venenosus, fr. venenum poison. See Venom, and cf. Venenose.]

  1. Full of venom; noxious to animal life; poisonous; as, the bite of a serpent may be venomous.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Having a poison gland or glands for the secretion of venom, as certain serpents and insects.

  3. Noxious; mischievous; malignant; spiteful; as, a venomous progeny; a venomous writer.

    Venomous snake (Zo["o]l.), any serpent which has poison glands and fangs, whether dangerous to man or not. These serpents constitute two tribes, the viperine serpents, or Solenoglypha, and the cobralike serpents, or Proteroglypha. The former have perforated, erectile fangs situated in the front part of the upper jaw, and are without ordinary teeth behind the fangs; the latter have permanently erect and grooved fangs, with ordinary maxillary teeth behind them. [1913 Webster] -- Ven"om*ous*ly, adv. -- Ven"om*ous*ness, n.


adv. In a venomous manner; with venom.


adv. in a very malevolent manner [syn: poisonously]

Usage examples of "venomously".

He began hating Sergeant Towser, focusing all blame upon him venomously, even though he knew Sergeant Towser had nothing to do with the arrival of Colonel Cathcart or the delay in the processing of shipping orders that might have rescued him seven days earlier and five times since.

Poyolavomaar and reclaim the throne, he thought venomously, we will deal with these offworlders once and for all.

Malachi Braithwaite clambered down the Calliope's side after her and gave Sharpe a venomously triumphant look as if to suggest that he would now enjoy Lady Grace's company while Sharpe was marooned on the Calliope.

He hated the chaplain venomously for being a chaplain and making a coarse blunder out of an observation that in any other circumstances, he knew, would have been considered witty and urbane.

Huge housing estates mushroomed to serve vast industrial precincts, a crazy mismatch of developments sprawling venomously over the green belt.

Du Katt glared at them venomously, and then tried an ingratiating smile on Finn.