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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vender \Vend"er\, n. [From Vend: cf. F. vendeur, OF. vendeor. Cf. Vendor.] One who vends; one who transfers the exclusive right of possessing a thing, either his own, or that of another as his agent, for a price or pecuniary equivalent; a seller; a vendor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, agent noun in native form from vend (v.).


n. (obsolete spelling of vendor English)


n. someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money [syn: seller, marketer, vendor, trafficker]

Usage examples of "vender".

I wended my way among boxing machines, baseball games, strength-testing devices, machine gun emplacements, kinescope peep shows, foot-easers, horoscope venders and the like.

The example of Jenner, who gave his inestimable secret, the result of twenty-two years of experiment and researches, unpurchased, to the public,-- when, as was said in Parliament, he might have made a hundred thousand pounds by it as well as any smaller sum,--should be referred to only to rebuke the selfish venders of secret remedies, among whom his early history obliges us reluctantly to record Samuel Hahnemann.

As street venders in Paris, so these forest traders or runners went up and down these sheltered paths, as dark in summer as the narrowest streets, only they went silently, though they were often heard as distinctly in the breaking of twigs or in their muffled tread by the alert ears of the Indians as the musical voices of these venders are heard in the city.

Throngs filled the busy arcades, the sidewalk venders, the discussion halls, the public gyms.

She succeeded in begging a couple of nickels, bought a bag of apples from a vender, and, returning to the park, sank exhausted upon a bench.

As to the motives of the inventor and vender of the Tractors, the facts must be allowed to speak for themselves.

The example of Jenner, who gave his inestimable secret, the result of twenty-two years of experiment and researches, unpurchased, to the public,-- when, as was said in Parliament, he might have made a hundred thousand pounds by it as well as any smaller sum,--should be referred to only to rebuke the selfish venders of secret remedies, among whom his early history obliges us reluctantly to record Samuel Hahnemann.

He laughed at the passers-by, at the news venders, at the dazzling sky, at the whole of Paris.

The hotel manager, Eric Venders, whom Gina had gotten to know casually, was also at the desk.

Así pudo engastar un pasaje de la obra De principiis de Orígenes, donde se niega que Judas Iscariote volverá a vender al Señor, y Pablo a presenciar en Jerusalén el martirio de Esteban, y otro de los Academica priora de Cicerón, en el que éste se burla de quienes sueñan que mientras él conversa con Lúculo, otros Lúculos y otros Cicerones, en número infinito, dicen puntualmente lo mismo, en infinitos mundos iguales.

Venders cried their wares: ale, hot spiced wine, roast goat in cheese sauce, shellfish, squid fried in olive oil and dusted with breadcrumbs, perfumes, jewelry of all grades from cheap brass trash to massy gold encrusted with gems big as a man's eye, minor magic charms, images of Phos and his holy men.

The street, the children, the fruit vender, the flowers growing there under her eyes, were all part and parcel of an alien world which had suddenly become antagonistic.

There seemed as many piemen, venders, sviss peddlers, and whatever, as to equal again the gathering itself.

Marcus bought a pork sausage on a bun from a vender plying his trade as if all were peaceful as could be.

Fire buffs, or whackers, as ATF agents called them, had crawled out of the dark and were taking photographs with disposable cameras, while entrepreneurial venders hawked incense and counterfeit watches.