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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Veiling \Veil"ing\, n. A veil; a thin covering; also, material for making veils.


Veil \Veil\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Veiled; p. pr. & vb. n. Veiling.] [Cf. OF. veler, F. voiler, L. velarc. See Veil, n.] [Written also vail.]

  1. To throw a veil over; to cover with a veil.

    Her face was veiled; yet to my fancied sight, Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shined.

  2. Fig.: To invest; to cover; to hide; to conceal.

    To keep your great pretenses veiled.


n. The act of covering with a veil. vb. (present participle of veil English)


n. a net of transparent fabric with a loose open weave [syn: gauze, netting]

Usage examples of "veiling".

And as a queen disguised might pass anear The bitter crowd that barters in a mart, Veiling her pride while tears of pity start, I hide my glory thru a jealous fear.

She adjusted her hat, an open velveteen circlet clogged with stiff net veiling, which had been spun askew by the collision with her husband.

Lord Hoon lay concealed in a sweep of deep forest with the trees and brush growing almost to the walls in a veiling tangle.

Only when they had gone did that other come into the full light, twitch aside her veiling to view Loyse eye to eye.

He looked back at the Snool, fog adrift over the bays and peninsulas, veiling the distant shores.

Always, before taking the trolley car upstreet, selecting her costume with care, gloves and bag to match, and a hat with some frivolous bit of veiling in front.

Then she pulled her black shawl over her head, veiling her cap of silver hair, and abruptly her grey skirt and sweater took on the appearance of a wadmal gown, and the pleasant, maternal face she had worn during dinner became the classic mask of a priestess, an empty vessel waiting to be filled.

The Sun is neither born, dies, nor is raised to life: and the recital of these events was but an allegory, veiling a higher truth.

Maud, however, without a hat of any sort, her long, luxuriant, silken, golden tresses covering her shoulders, and occasionally veiling her warm, rich cheek, was exercising with a battledore, keeping Little Smash, now increased in size to quite fourteen stone, rather actively employed as an assistant, whenever the exuberance of her own spirits caused her to throw the plaything beyond her reach.

Inattentive to a conversation, which was passing between the Countess and a Mademoiselle Bearn, her friend, Blanche sat, lost in pleasing reverie, as she watched the clouds floating silently along the blue expanse, now veiling the sun and stretching their shadows along the distant scene, and then disclosing all his brightness.

The driver of the horseless carriage lifted wide goggles and removed a full hat covered with veiling to reveal shining, dark hair and a pert nose between sparkling, blue eyes.

The clouds veiling the darkening sky were suddenly rent asunder by a blast of silvery radiance as bright and unbridled as a lightning flash, cascading from the sky in a molten stream.

It was the rainiest September in decades, pearl-gray sheets of water veiling the house and the hills, and the basement fiooded.

She threw aside the veiling cloud of hair, and in the gleam of the last retreating spirals her face glared out like some old Greek mask of tragedy.

Then, at length, the moon abruptly soared zenithward from out the veiling mist, passing from one filmy haze to another.