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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Utopian \U*to"pi*an\, n. An inhabitant of Utopia; hence, one who believes in the perfectibility of human society; a visionary; an idealist; an optimist.


Utopian \U*to"pi*an\, a. Of or pertaining to Utopia; resembling Utopia; hence, ideal; chimerical; fanciful; founded upon, or involving, imaginary perfections; as, Utopian projects; Utopian happiness.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1550s, with reference to More's fictional country; 1610s as "extravagantly ideal, impossibly visionary," from utopia + -an. As a noun meaning "visionary idealist" it is recorded by 1832 (also in this sense was utopiast, 1845).


a. 1 ideal but often impractical; visionary. 2 of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia n. Someone who supports or heralds the establishment of a utopia

  1. adj. of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia; "a Utopian novel"

  2. characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection; "the dim utopian future"; "utopian idealists"; "recognized the utopian nature of his hopes" [ant: dystopian]

Utopian (automobile)

The Utopian was a unique, one of a kind, English automobile created in 1914. Built by the Utopian Motor Works of Leicester, the car was powered by a two-cylinder water-cooled engine mounted under its seat. For steering, there was a side tiller. Only one car is believed to have been made, for a local clergyman; the company did, however, manufacture bicycles with some success.

Usage examples of "utopian".

Dostoevsky himself had once strongly sympathized with French Utopian Socialism in its initial, semi-Christian form, and he knew very well that, even in its Russian metamorphosis of the 1860s, it bore little resemblance to the unbridled amorality preached and practiced by Peter Verkhovensky.

The utopian Socialism of Owen flourished and died, as Chartism, under different treatment, flourished and died.

Milton description of his dystopian Hell in the first two books of Paradise Lost is far more interesting than his description of utopian Hell in the third book.

And in The Lord of the Rings, not much can be told about the stay of the Fellowship in the utopian elfland of Lorien, but how the story intensifies and grows more interesting as we approach the dystopian Morder.

And yet pure dystopian tales are as dull and as unbearable as pure utopian ones.

Well, then, what is a science fiction writer supposed to do if both utopian and dystopian stories are dull?

Space Station Freedom in the late 1990s portends a fresh burgeoning of an idea that in science fiction has become a staple used for both utopian and dystopian visions.

Utopians and dystopians all attempted to display their superior system on worlds where corrupting competition did not exist.

English Utilitarianism, French Utopian Socialism, Feuerbachian atheism, and crude mechanical materialism and determinism, this odd amalgam ran smack against the worldview that Dostoevsky had so painfully acquired in his prison-camp years.

Although the utopian vein has continually surfaced in the historical process of the interconnection and intercommunication of the world in the modern period, it has nonetheless continually been suppressed militarily and ideologically by the forces of European domination.

Utopian but lacks the realism of someone trying to defend a well established tradition.

The more moderate members of the Proletkult were forced to recognize that they could not expect to build their new culture entirely from scratch and that, however Utopian their plans, much of their work would consist of educating workers in the old culture.

Russian intelligentsia of the 1840s, these books could only have been the works of the French Utopian Socialists and the Social Romantics and their Russian disciples on which Dostoevsky himself had battened at this period.

Three years ago, he began a series of stories set in a fantastic Cordwainer Smithian future world, somewhat recovered from the destruction of the ancient civilization of the Utopians, where biotechnology rules.

Being Utopians, they could hardly destroy Trueborn and its handful of colonies.