Crossword clues for unseemly
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Unseemly \Un*seem"ly\, a. Not seemly; unbecoming; indecent.
An unseemly outbreak of temper.
Unseemly \Un*seem"ly\, adv. In an unseemly manner.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. inconsistent with established standards of good form or taste.
adj. not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society; "was buried with indecent haste"; "indecorous behavior"; "language unbecoming to a lady"; "unseemly to use profanity"; "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry" [syn: indecent, indecorous, unbecoming, uncomely, untoward]
Usage examples of "unseemly".
Azalia has doubtless been telling you of the riddle of the Mankalah rug, forgetting that it is unseemly in a maiden to point the way to the possession of her charms.
Then Melia thrust him away, her cheeks flaming, and Ned, in no way disconcerted, roared with unseemly laughter and left her to what, he knew, would be a torment of her conscience.
Senator Daschle, whose anti-Bush rant on the Senate floor had been widely viewed as an unseemly meltdown, would soon be losing his job as majority leader.
Only the constraints of time and the reappearance of Meryt, wearing a most unseemly smirk, kept him from embracing his beloved barbarian and proving that fact then and there.
Babbington was indeed looking a little pale and anxious as the unseemly business came to an end, with the moaning Surel handed over to his shamefaced messmates and hurried away.
Roy Cohn, a brilliant but deeply flawed individual, applied unseemly pressure on the Army to allow Schine to finish his work with the committee, or at least to be given generous weekend passes to do so.
Manchester , an activity which led to an unseemly bout of folk-dancing outside the Superloo in Euston Station, and probably a horrible reaction of shivering and thirst, plus a certain loss of memory.
In keeping with the unwritten rule of the time that any display of ambition would be unseemly, Adams kept silent.
A conversation among the dead felt unseemly, but Aras knew that Ade Bennett had seen many battlefields and had learned to handle the horror.
Lady Appleton readily acknowledged she had inherited three more things from her late father -- his uncompromisingly square jaw, an unseemly height for a woman, and a sturdy build that did not lend itself well to the current fashion in farthingales.
Think of Edward of Caernarvon, the first Prince of Wales, a perverse life, Pennyfeather, and an unseemly death, then the Tudors and the dissolution of the Church, then Lloyd George, the temperance movement, Noncomformity, and lust stalking hand in hand through the country, wasting and ravaging.
O warrior, and while at first hearing it may seem to some to be curt and unseemly, not to mention saucy, I feel that it proceeds from none but the chastest of motives.
While Louis was preoccupied with his hurried nuptials, and without giving notice to any of the Franks, the Plantagenets took it upon themselves to celebrate with an unseemly haste the marriage of their five year old heir to the three-year old Princess Marguerite of France in Newburgh in Normandy.
Otherwise people might have heard Charlie grinding his teeth, but several obviously did hear the unseemly snort from Darcy Dwyer, in his choir stall, when he heard me defined as a Chevalier of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
The difficulty is that we are unable to attribute causation either to the bodies of the heavenly beings or to their wills: their bodies are excluded because the product transcends the causative power of body, their will because it would be unseemly to suppose divine beings to produce unseemliness.