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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Indecorous \In`de*co"rous\ (?; 277), a. [L. indecorous. See In- not, and Decorous.] Not decorous; violating good manners; contrary to good breeding or etiquette; unbecoming; improper; out of place; as, indecorous conduct.

It was useless and indecorous to attempt anything more by mere struggle.

Syn: Unbecoming; unseemly; unbefitting; rude; coarse; impolite; uncivil; ill-bred.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1670s, from Latin indecorus "unbecoming, unseemly, unsightly," from in- "not, opposite of, without" (see in- (1)) + decorus "becoming, fitting, seemly, proper" (see decorous). Related: Indecorously; indecorousness.


a. improper, immodest or indecent

  1. adj. lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct; "indecorous behavior" [syn: indelicate] [ant: decorous]

  2. not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society; "was buried with indecent haste"; "indecorous behavior"; "language unbecoming to a lady"; "unseemly to use profanity"; "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry" [syn: indecent, unbecoming, uncomely, unseemly, untoward]

Usage examples of "indecorous".

Henfrey as he passed the prostrate Huxter, and, coming round the corner to join the tumult, was promptly knocked off his feet into an indecorous sprawl.

Even that commerce was but occasional, and through three-fourths of its rising tides the dirty indecorous drab of a river would come solitarily oozing and lapping at the rusty ring, as if it had heard of the Doge and the Adriatic, and wanted to be married to the great conserver of its filthiness, the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor.

But ten minutes later, with a man on either side of her, she was sitting at the piano with a cigaret tucked behind her ear, looking distractingly pretty and very gay and singing a slightly indecorous but very witty little French song.

He knew that that wasn't in line with the most earnest pleas of the Department of Justicebut Simon Templar had always had an indecorous disdain for such appeals.

The victim of dwarfdom, the wretched Shelyid's runtish body was ill served and thus doubly cursed by bad nerves, the slightest agitation of which would produce the most indecorous results: pox, palsy, jitters, quivers, tremors, convulsions, paroxysms, fevers, the staggers, the jerks, shortness of breath, frequent and uncontrolled excretion, irregularities of the pulse, lock-jaw, ague, fidgets, timorousness, and a general feeling of social inferiority.