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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unseasoned \Un*sea"soned\, a.

  1. Not seasoned.

  2. Untimely; ill-timed. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1580s, "not made palatable by seasoning," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of season (v.). Meaning "not habituated by experience" is recorded from c.1600.


a. Not seasoned

  1. adj. not aged or processed; "unseasoned timber" [ant: seasoned]

  2. without salt or seasoning [syn: unsalted]

  3. not tried or tested by experience; "unseasoned artillery volunteers"; "still untested in battle"; "an illustrator untried in mural painting" [syn: untested, untried]

Usage examples of "unseasoned".

She and her single trooper, an unseasoned youth called Blad, stayed well back of the Tree Folk as they neared the edge of the desert.

The ball struck the timber palisade of the Picurina, splintering the tree-trunks, driving the shards of unseasoned wood in vicious showers on the defenders, and it was the turn of the British to cheer.

I smelt the acrid reek of wet cement, unseasoned wood and white-lead priming paint, and groped up a little steep staircase, coming out in a cell of bare unplastered brick with a metal window-frame stuck in the middle of it.

When it was over, when the last pistol plinked away in the night, when the colonel had smacked enough soldiers in the back of the head and kicked enough behinds to stop them from making asses of themselves in front of foreigners by dissipating their ammunition like unseasoned troops, it was discovered that fifteen of their number had been killed by mutilation.

She squirmed beneath him, thwarted, feeling as helpless as an unseasoned warrior, unable to choose the weapon that would vanquish her foe.

Sometimes unseasoned warriors preferred to remain unknown until they could make a name for themselves.

And so he sat down with a bowl of cold unseasoned rice and a glass of mineral water, to enjoy the national pastime.

The college kids hang out in large numbers but so do a lot of sharply dressed, unseasoned yuppies from the nearby high rises.

He gave them a tasteless meal of unseasoned compresso-cubes and several cups of unsweetened coffee.

That told him a great deal - the frigate had been docked in the last month or two and, more important, since Spain came into the war only a few weeks ago, was almost certainly newly-commissioned with a raw crew and probably unseasoned officers and captain as well, if ships were being rushed into commission.