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a. 1 That has not been mined (dug from the ground). 2 Not sown with mines (explosive devices).


adj. not mined; "deposits of unmined uranium" [ant: mined]

Usage examples of "unmined".

Stephen Lesley in a gallery filled with birds frozen in attitudes of arrested flight or peaceful repose, their feathers glittering in the dim museum light like unmined gems.

Their deep-reddish flanks hinted that perhaps unmined copper still lingered beneath their rock scrub-oak-dotted surfaces.

The gas is produced from the coal while it lies, unmined, in the ground.

Two of the smaller countries on the Moon have even discovered they can back up their currency with unmined gold and save themselves all the trouble of actually digging the stuff up and turning it into neat, shiny bars.

However, in ground formed and transformed by the nearby leythium node, the cave-lurker had the added bonus of the rare, sudden burst of rainbow color when he chanced upon a ley-crystal bud, unmined and grown enormous over years of disuse.

Beneath the settled striations of the earth, shafts of unmined crystal rang still to the horn calls of vanished centaur guardians.

His researchers found an unmined and unprotected deposit of uranium in the Andes mountains of Bolivia.