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Crossword clues for unlearnt

  1. 1 innate, inherent or inborn. 2 not educated alt. (en-past of: unlearn) v

  2. (en-past of: unlearn)

  1. v. try to forget; put out of one's memory or knowledge

  2. discard something previously learnt, like an old habit

  3. [also: unlearnt]


See unlearn

Usage examples of "unlearnt".

There was I a dragoon, roving, unsettled, not self-made like him, but self-unmade--all my earlier advantages thrown away, all my little learning unlearnt, nothing picked up but what unfitted me for most things that I could think of.

It was because she cared only for cousins that I unlearnt the way to her house, which she had once reminded me was one of the few paths of gentility I could hope to tread.