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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Universalistic \U`ni*ver`sal*is"tic\, a. Of or pertaining to the whole; universal.


a. Of or pertaining to universalism.

  1. adj. of or relating to or tending toward universalism [syn: universalist]

  2. of or relating to the whole

Usage examples of "universalistic".

The universalistic world interpretations of the great founders of religions and of the great philosophers grounded a commonality of conviction mediated through a teaching tradition and permitting only abstract objects of identification.

The universalistic world interpretations of the great founders of religions and of the great philosophers grounded a commonality of conviction mediated through a teaching tradition and permitting only abstract objects of identification.

From this conversion of the productive sphere to universalistic [global] orientations there proceeded a strong structural compulsion for the development of personality structures that replaced conventional role identity with ego identity.