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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Universalist \U`ni*ver"sal*ist\, a. Of or pertaining to Unversalists of their doctrines.


Universalist \U`ni*ver"sal*ist\, n. [Cf. F. universaliste.]

  1. (Theol.) One who believes in Universalism; one of a denomination of Christians holding this faith.

  2. One who affects to understand all the particulars in statements or propositions. [Obs.]


a. universal in scope. n. A proponent of universalism.


adj. of or relating to or tending toward universalism [syn: universalistic]

Usage examples of "universalist".

As, at least in neuroscience, the theoretical limitations of naive reductionism become increasingly apparent, and cold-war suspicions recede into history, the time is ripe for the autonomous Soviet tradition in neurophysiology and psychology to be reassimilated into a more integrated and Universalists neuroscience.

As, at least in neuroscience, the theoretical limitations of naive reductionism become increasingly apparent, and cold-war suspicions recede into history, the time is ripe for the autonomous Soviet tradition in neurophysiology and psychology to be reassimilated into a more integrated and Universalists neuroscience.

There are plenty of Universalists, Number Seven says, in the Episcopalian and other Protestant churches, but they do not avow their belief in any frank and candid fashion.

Shrigley, of Philadelphia, a Universalist, had been nominated for hospital chaplain, and a protesting delegation went to Washington to see President Lincoln on the subject.

So Lagos was trying to say that the newborn human brain has no structure-as the relativists would have it-and that as the child learns a language, the developing brain structures itself accordingly, the language gets 'blown into' the 'hardware and becomes a permanent part of the brain's deep structure-as the universalists would have it.