Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Not defended
adj. not defended or capable of being defended; "an open city"; "open to attack" [syn: assailable, undefendable, open]
Usage examples of "undefended".
Therefore, the Metaverse is wide open and undefended, like airports in the days before bombs and metal detectors, like elementary schools in the days before maniacs with assault rifles.
In times of peace, the gates to the seven ramps stood open, the battlements were left undefended but for a token watch, and the ancient stone grew thick with flowering vines.
Then she sent the animal galloping toward the now undefended Whitewing goal, even though there was no longer any need for speed.
Again I rammed my spear into the undefended belly of the beast while Chron stabbed higher, nearer the heart.
At daylight, Major Tonis told me to get all the men and dogs and climb the ridge above division headquarters, where we discovered that some of the Japanese who had broken through during the night were headed in the direction of the undefended division hospital.
To the war on the Eastern and Western fronts, which was already a German nightmare, would be added one on an almost undefended Southern frontier.
Bruno was left at the workshop with the rest of the household, just in case, in these difficult times, some cunning soul had planned a ruse in order to loot or burn the estate while it was undefended.
Schill accordingly gave up his designs on that city, and leaving it on his left, entered Lubeck, which was undefended.
Later Antwerp was bombarded, as was Heyst-op-den-Berg and the city of Malines, which was undefended, and where there was not a Belgian soldier.
No-one moved there, the men were sitting staring at the flames, waiting for the morning and completely unaware that their enemy had found the plateau of the Medellin undefended and were about to attack.
If these three skips were able to hit the shields defending the biotics building, if they were able to crash through them and bring those shields down, there would be a moment when the building was undefended against enemy attacks.
The pretty flower of her sex was swollen and undefended, a rose with its softest petals just unfolded.
Though mostly victorious, he had suffered a few defeats, but he had never lost an army or any substantial portion of one, or any single one of the precious and difficult-of-replacement bombards or siege cannon, and he had no slightest intention of now breaking that sterling practice through leaving his siege train undefended.
Lantu tidied up by occupying all the systems the infidels had so obligingly left totally undefended.
Stealth has agreed to let it be known that he and his Redwings are just waiting for someone to start shooting at you so they can raid undefended territory.