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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unbacked \Un*backed"\, a.

  1. Never mounted by a rider; unbroken. ``Unbacked colts.''

  2. Not supported or encouraged; not countenanced; unaided.


a. 1 Having no back 2 Having no (or few) backers


adj. unsupported by other people [syn: single-handed, unassisted]

Usage examples of "unbacked".

There were the ever-vexing complications of dealing in various colonial currencies of differing value, and the increasing worry over inflation and the fate of the new Continental money, the unbacked paper currency being produced in Philadelphia in steadily greater quantity.

When activated these things form unbacked transfer gates whose active surfaces emit blue light so that one may locate them.

Continental money, the unbacked paper currency being produced in Philadelphia in steadily greater quantity.

Naturally, they were reluctant, and their reluctance grew with inflation as the government printed unbacked currency to cover the disappearance of revenue caused by the upheavals and property seizures.

There were the ever-vexing complications of dealing in various colonial currencies of differing value, and the increasing worry over inflation and the fate of the new Continental money, the unbacked paper currency being produced in Philadelphia in steadily greater quantity.