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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of assist (v.). Related: Unassistedly.


a. Not assisted; without assistance adv. Without assistance.

  1. adj. unsupported by other people [syn: single-handed, unbacked]

  2. lacking help [ant: assisted]

Usage examples of "unassisted".

With the overdrive blown, the cargo boat was capable only of moving in unassisted Lawlor drive.

When we recollect the complete armor of the Roman soldiers, their discipline, exercises, evolutions, fortified camps, and military engines, it appears a just matter of surprise, how the naked and unassisted valor of the barbarians could dare to encounter, in the field, the strength of the legions, and the various troops of the auxiliaries, which seconded their operations.

It remained for the Epicureans--who, though unable, like their modern successors, the Positivists or Developmentists, to believe in a first cause, believed in effects without causes, or that things make or take care of themselves--to assert that men could, by their own unassisted efforts, or by the simple exercise of reason, come out of the primitive state, and institute what in modern times is called civilta, civility, or civilization.

The only doubt that occurred to her was whether, with the best intentions in the world, he would be able unassisted to foil a pair of schemers so distant from each other geographically as the man who called himself Jimmy Crocker and the man who had called himself Skinner.

When we recollect the complete armor of the Roman soldiers, their discipline, exercises, evolutions, fortified camps, and military engines, it appears a just matter of surprise, how the naked and unassisted valor of the barbarians could dare to encounter, in the field, the strength of the legions, and the various troops of the auxiliaries, which seconded their operations.

In the face of this inevitable uncertainty, the evolutionary conclusion reached by most male mammals is to walk off the job immediately after copulation, seek more females to impregnate, and leave those females to rear their offspring— hoping that one or more of the females with which he copulated will actually have been impregnated by him and will succeed in rearing his offspring unassisted.

Thus, I do not anathematise her for claiming unassisted creatorship of the one title—The Last Man, fine as it is, does not qualify—that enrolled her among the immortals.

His pride in himself, his sincere admiration of himself, his joy in what he supposed were his own and unassisted achievements, and his exultation over the praise and applause which they evoked--these have exalted him, enthused him, ambitioned him to higher and higher flights.

She barked at him like a drill sergeant, but he walked, and then he walked unassisted.

His motions and even his vocal sounds showed a restraint and deliberateness highly peculiar in an infant, and no one was really unprepared when, at seven months, he began to walk unassisted, with falterings which another month was sufficient to remove.

He had even taken, unassisted, the much more difficult hurdle of grokking at last the Martian orthodoxy that the water ceremony did not require water, that water was merely symbol for the essence beautiful but not indispensable.

As if he could read Grant's thoughts, Karlstad said, "The deal our woeful master made with the test controller is that if he could get up the ladder unassisted, he could go into the tank and participate in the sim.

Human reason, which by its unassisted strength is incapable of perceiving the mysteries of faith, had already obtained an easy triumph over the folly of Paganism.

Modular Man could not evolve away his prime directives as long as his computer consciousness was physically intact, any more than a human could, unassisted, evolve away his genetic makeup in a single lifetime.

The strapmini-rocket engine had not yet fired-it was flying over thousand feet higher than programmed, and the extra altitu meant a longer unassisted gliding ability The infrared orange laser site slowly began to enlarge as got closer-the Striker was locked onto a huge power substation.