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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Humbles \Hum"bles\, n. pl. [See Nombles.] Entrails of a deer. [Written also umbles.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"edible inner parts of a deer or other animal," c.1400, see humble.


n. (context archaic English) Animal entrails, especially of a deer.

Usage examples of "umbles".

But that is on the Slope, where they get sour balls and sweet umbles as pay.

Pincer urged me to come over and use bosun umbles to put her in a cooperative mood, but I declined.

His sac pulsed with umbles, painful and mightier than he ever produced before.

Everyone thinks I'm an expert at coaxing noor, just because hoonish mariners hire some of them to help on our sailing ships, scooting deftly along the spars and rigging, working for umbles and sourballs.