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umbilical vein

n. a vein in the umbilical cord; returns nutrient blood from the placenta to the fetus [syn: vena umbilicalis]

Umbilical vein

The umbilical vein is a vein present during fetal development that carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the growing fetus.

The blood pressure inside the umbilical vein is approximately 20 mmHg.

Usage examples of "umbilical vein".

A trembling membrane through which he could see the collapsed lumen of the atretic umbilical vein.

The liver was prominent and it was clear that the blood of the umbilical vein would traverse it before entering the inferior cava.

The umbilical vein itself had been severed of its placental crown and returned to the circulatory system by a means that was beyond the scope of this dissection to establish.