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  1. adj. supported by both sides; "a two-way treaty" [syn: bipartisan, bipartizan, two-way]

  2. involving two parties or elements; "a bipartite document"; "a two-way treaty" [syn: bipartite, two-way]

Usage examples of "two-party".

We have a two-party system, on Jefferson, not one of those multiparty messes that requires a coalition just to stay in office and comes crashing down to ruin every time some splinter group gets cold feet.

Yet the two-party system has also insured a government and society that is never stagnant and always open to change and challenge.

They may prefer the American voice that reflects our normal, two-party political wrangling and discord, so that they may suspect we are disunited.

Next you'll be insisting on the validity of Bigfoot, flying saucers, and the effectiveness of the two-party political system.

We're very lucky, we've a three-party vote with a two-party system.

In calmer times, our country has been well served by our two-party system, with progressives and conservatives debating what to change and what to preserve.

The laughingly called two-party system of the United States in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries consisted of two groups of predominantly inherited millionaires, one claiming to help the poor, one the middle class.

There are about 200 plus million of us who would like to see a real two-party system (or three-party, or four-party—.

There are about 200 plus million of us who would like to see a real two-party system (or three-party, or four-party&ndash.

The necessity of abandoning the two-party system, the similarity between the orgasm and the Bomb, the fact that television advertising is the principal cause of cancer?

The two-party system has become a stagnant swamp of fraud and criminal promises.

Corruption, special interests, it's time we had a genuine two-party system again instead of things going back and forth between the wings of Unity.

Genessee has no constitution, no two-party system, no checks and balances.