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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a bipartite leaf
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bipartite \Bip"ar*tite\, a. [L. bipartitus, p. p. of bipartire; bis twice + partire. See Partite.]

  1. Being in two parts; having two correspondent parts, as a legal contract or writing, one for each party; shared by two; as, a bipartite treaty.

  2. Divided into two parts almost to the base, as a leaf; consisting of two parts or subdivisions.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1570s, from Latin bipartitus "divided," past participle of bipartire "to divide into two parts," from bi- (see bi-) + partitus, past participle of partiri "to divide" (see part (v.)).


a. 1 Having two parts. 2 (context of an agreement or contract English) Having two participants; joint. 3 (context botany English) (''of leaves'') divided into two at the base. 4 (context graph theory English) (''of graph'')

  1. adj. divided into two portions almost to the base

  2. involving two parties or elements; "a bipartite document"; "a two-way treaty" [syn: two-party, two-way]


Bipartite may refer to:

  • 2 (number)
  • Bipartite (theology), a philosophical term describing the human duality of body and soul
  • Bipartite graph, in mathematics, a graph in which the vertices are partitioned into two sets and every edge has an endpoint in each set
  • Bipartite uterus, a type of uterus found in deer and moose, etc.
  • Bipartite treaty, a treaty between two parties
Bipartite (theology)

In Christian theology and anthropology, bipartite refers to the view that a human being is a composite of two distinct components, material and immaterial; for example, body and soul. It is not synonymous with the Greek concept of mind-body dualism, where the two parts of man are in conflict by design, and the mind seeks to be free of the body that is its prison. Rather, in Christianity, the two parts were created interdependent and in harmony. And though man's two parts are corrupted at present, redemption is of the body not from the body.

In theology, the bipartite view of man is an alternative to tripartite and unitary (or monistic) views.

Bipartite (disambiguation)

Usage examples of "bipartite".

In America land of the profit-making casualty ward, home of the taxi-metered ambulance the bipartite attack assumes its most heartless form.

She hung up, and a moment later, screaming in her nightgown, pillowless but still in curlers, she filled the window frame, pouring the vast bipartite bulk with which I was so familiar into the window box, over the ice plants, and thrusting both her hands into the fleshy, pale-red leaves.

But I have been sitting on this remarkable bed that can be commanded to have a life of its own, quaking gently at the touch of a knob, and I have become conscious of the pattern of my mind, how it has always been easy for me to think of humanity as just that, a monolithic thing, or at best a bipartite thing, men and women.

Both halves fully fruited, the twinned spell drew apart, and bucked with a sudden burst of power The bipartite spell channeled, like searing irons, down her arms.