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The Collaborative International Dictionary
twitch grass

Quitch grass \Quitch" grass`\ (kw[i^]ch" gr[.a]s`). [Properly quick grass, being probably so called from its vigorous growth, or from its tenacity of life. See Quick, and cf. Couch grass.] (Bot.) A perennial grass ( Agropyrum repens) having long running rootstalks, by which it spreads rapidly and pertinaciously, and so becomes a troublesome weed. Also called couch grass, quack grass, quick grass, twitch grass. See Illustration in Appendix.

Usage examples of "twitch grass".

Inside Oakharn, the road surface improved noticeably, thistles and twitch grass still burrowed up through the tarmac near the kerbs, but the streets were open to two-way traffic.