Twinity is a 3D online virtual world. Initially developed by Metaversum GmbH, it is currently held by ExitReality. The game offers its population, called Twinizens, to navigate around virtual (historical) versions of real-world cities, also called a mirror world or a Metaverse. A public beta began in September 2008 with the release of the first virtual city, Berlin, which later was followed by Singapore, London, Miami and New York. Twinity is built on BigWorld Technology and its economy is based on a free-to-play model.
Twinity is the first 3D online virtual world to incorporate true-to-scale replicas of large cities from all over the world. However, the company has recently begun to shift the focus away from a mirror world towards a more fantasy-oriented environment with locations like the Isle of Palmadora. In this respect, Twinity seems to be moving towards a Second Life-like world with more innovative features that they set up within the game, since much of user-created content is fictional and is not related to real addresses of shops and apartments. All of the game's cities were removed in January 2012. On June 8, 2012, the acquisition of Twinity by ExitReality was announced.