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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Willow \Wil"low\, n. [OE. wilowe, wilwe, AS. wilig, welig; akin to OD. wilge, D. wilg, LG. wilge. Cf. Willy.]

  1. (Bot.) Any tree or shrub of the genus Salix, including many species, most of which are characterized often used as an emblem of sorrow, desolation, or desertion. ``A wreath of willow to show my forsaken plight.''
    --Sir W. Scott. Hence, a lover forsaken by, or having lost, the person beloved, is said to wear the willow.

    And I must wear the willow garland For him that's dead or false to me.

  2. (Textile Manuf.) A machine in which cotton or wool is opened and cleansed by the action of long spikes projecting from a drum which revolves within a box studded with similar spikes; -- probably so called from having been originally a cylindrical cage made of willow rods, though some derive the term from winnow, as denoting the winnowing, or cleansing, action of the machine. Called also willy, twilly, twilly devil, and devil. Almond willow, Pussy willow, Weeping willow. (Bot.) See under Almond, Pussy, and Weeping. Willow biter (Zo["o]l.) the blue tit. [Prov. Eng.] Willow fly (Zo["o]l.), a greenish European stone fly ( Chloroperla viridis); -- called also yellow Sally. Willow gall (Zo["o]l.), a conical, scaly gall produced on willows by the larva of a small dipterous fly ( Cecidomyia strobiloides). Willow grouse (Zo["o]l.), the white ptarmigan. See ptarmigan. Willow lark (Zo["o]l.), the sedge warbler. [Prov. Eng.] Willow ptarmigan (Zo["o]l.)

    1. The European reed bunting, or black-headed bunting. See under Reed.

    2. A sparrow ( Passer salicicolus) native of Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe.

      Willow tea, the prepared leaves of a species of willow largely grown in the neighborhood of Shanghai, extensively used by the poorer classes of Chinese as a substitute for tea.

      Willow thrush (Zo["o]l.), a variety of the veery, or Wilson's thrush. See Veery.

      Willow warbler (Zo["o]l.), a very small European warbler ( Phylloscopus trochilus); -- called also bee bird, haybird, golden wren, pettychaps, sweet William, Tom Thumb, and willow wren.


n. A machine for cleanse or loosening wool by the action of a revolve cylinder covered with long iron spikes or tooth; a willying machine.


Twilly may refer to:

  • Willey (textile machine)
  • Twilly, a moglin in AdventureQuest videogame

Usage examples of "twilly".

While she could take no blame for the freakish hunting mishap, it was also indisputable that the doomed rhino expedition had been precipitated by the dognapping crisisand that the dognapping had been complicated by Desie's attraction to, and abetment of, Twilly Spree.

While she could take no blame for the freakish hunting mishap, it was also indisputable that the doomed rhino expedition had been precipitated by the dognapping crisis—and that the dognapping had been complicated by Desie's attraction to, and abetment of, Twilly Spree.

The neck had been attached to a woman named Lucy, and Twilly didn't know about the pharmaceuticals and the booze and the bipolar disorder.

But of course he had seen what Twilly had seen: a beer bottle fly out the front passenger's window, spooking a great blue heron off the canal bank.

When the litterbug flicked a cigar butt out the window, Twilly didn't bother to stop.

Twilly found it ironic that in divorcehood his mother had chosen Flagler Beach, given both her aversion to tropical sunlight and her previous attachment to a philandering swine who hawked oceanfront property for a living.

Twilly had the radio turned up loud for Derek and the Dominoes, so at first he didn't hear Vecker Darby's flatbed truck.

But by then she was busy entertaining a table of cable-TV executives, so she missed seeing Twilly Spree drive up to the neon-lit strip club in a full-sized county garbage truck.

Before spotting the black Lab, Twilly had searched 220 miles of highway and counted thirty-seven other dog carcassesmostly mutts, but also a golden retriever, two Irish setters, a yellow Lab and a pair of purebred Jack Russell terriers with matching rhine-stone collars.

He found the dog's medicines on the counter next to the coffee machine: two small prescription bottles and a tube of ointment, all antibiotics, which Twilly put in his pocket.

Twilly had gone to deliver a red-shouldered hawk that appeared to have been shot.

Mac's father became concerned and flew down from Sag Harbor to check Twilly out.

Twilly had found it in south Miami-Dade County at the intersection of 152nd Street and U.

Beneath the gauze was a fresh surgical incision, in which Twilly counted twelve steel staples.

At the veterinary school, Twilly found a young doctor who agreed to do a postmortem on the hawk, which had in fact succumbed to a single gunshot wound.