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The Collaborative International Dictionary
turned out

clothed \clothed\ adj.

  1. wearing clothing. [Narrower terms: adorned(predicate), bedecked(predicate), decked(predicate), decked out(predicate); appareled, attired, clad, dressed, garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed; arrayed, panoplied; breeched, pantalooned, trousered; bundled-up; caparisoned; cassocked: costumed: decent] [Narrower terms: dight] [Narrower terms: dressed-up, dressed to the nines(predicate), dressed to kill(predicate), dolled up, spruced up, spiffed up] [Narrower terms: heavy-coated] [Narrower terms: overdressed] [Narrower terms: petticoated] [Narrower terms: red-coated, lobster-backed] [Narrower terms: surpliced] [Narrower terms: togged dressed esp in smart clothes)] [Narrower terms: turned out] [Narrower terms: underdressed] [Narrower terms: uniformed] [Narrower terms: vestmented] Also See: adorned, decorated. Antonym: unclothed.

  2. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak. fog-cloaked meadows

    Syn: cloaked, draped, mantled, wrapped.

turned out
  1. The way one is dressed. One's appearance v

  2. (en-pastturn out)

turned out

adj. dressed well or smartly; "the girls were well turned out and smart"

Usage examples of "turned out".

Upon investigation the fellow turned out to be an Hawaiian notorious for his activity in certain underground religious cults, and having a considerable police record in connexion with abnormal and inhuman rites and sacrifices.

It turned out to be a four hour flight to the fens on the west seacoast.

It turned out to be an old Second World War Smith and Wesson, would you believe?

The lights were turned out, but the large, light-colored areas of the screen reflected enough light for ready visibility.

If it turned out that the surface ships would not be able to bring their firepower to bear, his decision to let the Americans come all the way in would turn out to be a disaster.

The first turned out to be a gag, a recipe clipped from some household column describing a way to fix a casserole of chicken and peanut butter.

That squirrel turned out to be a friend, she thought, tugging her brother's arms as he scrambled out of the basement.

He reached frantically for the nearest support, which turned out to be a blond young man in a white jumpsuit.

Truthfully, he would be surprised if it turned out that Lione was among those benighted few, but anything was possible.

Scott's back was to me, so I didn't notice what he was doing, but it turned out that the woman was deaf, and Scott was speaking to her in sign language.