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Tunip was a city-state in western Syria in 1350– 1335 BC, the period of the Amarna letters. The name "Syria" did not yet exist, though this was already the time of ancient Assyria. The regions were: Amurru, Nuhašše, the Amqu (the Beqaa), Nii, etc.

The record of the appellation '' 'Tunip' '' is mainly from Egyptian records, ( Thutmose III, and Ramesses II), and especially the Amarna letters. (But a king named Tunip-Tessup is also known from roughly the same period.)

Tunip is especially mentioned in the Amarna letters of Aziru, residing in Amurru and in conflict with the king of Hatti. He is often claiming to reside in Tunip, until it is safe to leave, or to try to defend other cities/city-states of his region. The local region in Syria, Nuhašše is also in conflict, and is mentioned in 7 of Aziru's 13 EA letters, ( EA for 'el Amarna').