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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a tuneless rendition of the song
▪ A tuneless, wordless lilting song that rose and fell and meandered like a stream.
▪ He loved the tune, but could bring out only a rough, tuneless roar.
▪ Loud and tuneless, but has that ever been a problem before?
▪ She played them as well as she could, but the sounds that came out were tuneless and eerie.
▪ To her right, a tramp stroked a flurry of tuneless notes from a violin.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tuneless \Tune"less\, a.

  1. Without tune; inharmonious; unmusical. `` Thy tuneless serenade.''

    How often have I led thy sportive choir, With tuneless pipe, beside the murmuring Loire!

  2. Not employed in making music; as, tuneless harps.

  3. Not expressed in music or poetry; unsung. [R.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from tune (n.) + -less. Related: Tunelessly; tunelessness.


a. 1 Having no pleasing tune; not tuneful. 2 silent or mute.


adj. not having a musical sound or pleasing tune [syn: untuneful, unmelodious] [ant: tuneful]

Usage examples of "tuneless".

The voices of the children outside reached her as a wordless, tuneless obligato, which she heard subconsciously and responded to by relaxing the tired wrinkles between her eyes.

His cries of discovery ran like a tuneless, rhymeless trailsong through what would have been a silent journey were it left to Tyorl to provide conversation.

Miranda glared me into silence, sent Roxy a warning look to keep her quiet as well, then closed her eyes and began to breathe deeply, humming a soft little tuneless hum.

A baleful almost-music, that of the tuneless cadences of an untutored orchestra repercussing in an ecstatic agony of echoes against the sounding boards of the mountains, lured us into the village square where we discover them twanging, plucking and abusing with horsehair bows a wide variety of crude stringed instruments.

A line of meditative gulls trimmed the ridgepole of a rooftop below, and as Roberta and Gabe watched, one of the birds broke rank and took wing, followed by others, who flocked over their own front yard to cock their heads and deliver their tuneless squawk to the man and woman standing on the steps.

A nonchalant look on his dark face, a tuneless whistle puckering his mouth, Gracias came into the room.

After a few seconds she felt gentle hands undoing her wrist restraints, the movements accompanied by soft tuneless humming.

He heard the door open, and heard a tuneless contralto voice that twanged like a flat guitar string.

Some of them danced and cavorted now in the roadway, setting up a ragged, tuneless chanting, formless and atonal, like the droning of huge insects.

The English shouted tuneless chanteys, swaying their bodies to preserve the rhythm.

Gnats swarmed around her face as she walked, the cicadas humming their tuneless mating song.

Soon he was droning it over and over in a whispery, tuneless monotone while the sweat soaked through his shirts and clear mucus ran from his nose to freeze on his upper lip: 'I know we can make it, I know we can, we can work it out, yes we can-can yes we can yes we can .

In the windless, bugless, lifeless silence, he listened, half expecting her to take Lip one of her favorite songs-" Some where over the Rainbow" or "What a Wonderful World"-but in a thin, crushed, tuneless voice choked with blood and rattling with broken cartilage.

He opened the bags, shook their contents into the teakettle on the hotplate, replenished the water in the kettle from a bathroom faucet, turned on the hotplate, and decocted this potion for a good five minutes, all the while humming a tuneless melody.

Behind the wheel, the large, slumped figure wearing the Sam Browne belt with the badge on the cross-strap was singing an old song in a tuneless, droning voice: “.