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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Audiences loved its tuneful melodies and bravura writing.
▪ Country singer Travis Tritt has a few tuneful moments on a bar stage.
▪ He favours female vocalists, slow tempos, lush arrangements of tuneful melodies in the jazz-soul idiom.
▪ James Blennerhassett will also be performing with the tuneful twosome.
▪ Make it more tuneful and interesting but without losing the connection with the movement.
▪ Moszkowski's very skillful, tuneful Concerto divides responsibility fairly between piano and orchestra.
▪ Sure, the conversation might not have been much, but the songs were tuneful.
▪ Surprisingly the outcome is coherent and tuneful, with the strangle of guitars contrasting quite beautifully with the relaxed voice.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tuneful \Tune"ful\, a. Harmonious; melodious; musical; as, tuneful notes. `` Tuneful birds.''
--Milton. -- Tune"ful*ly, adv. -- Tune"ful*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from tune (n.) + -ful. Related: Tunefully.


a. having or producing a pleasing tune; melodic or melodious


adj. having a musical sound; especially a pleasing tune [syn: melodious] [ant: tuneless]

Usage examples of "tuneful".

XII Lo, this is he in whom the surgent springs Of recollections richer than our skies To feed the flow of tuneful strings, Show but a pool of scum for shooting flies.

The tuneful village choir,With flute, bassoon, and clarionet, Their notes rose high and higher.

How many pleasant fancies With these sweet numbers throng, Which, like spring's tuneful brooklets, Trip merrily along.

The tuneful village choir,With flute, bassoon, and clarionet, Their notes rose high and higher.

The airs are exceedingly melodious, and the choruses bold and tuneful, with well-developed fugue subjects.

Tommy was court fool, and Nat a tuneful Rizzio to this innocent little Mary.

And indeed, who is so just an Auditor, as not to be more highly pleas'd by the Tuneful and the Inviting, than the Close and the Severe?

Colryn whiled away the time by singing Darkovan legends in a tuneful bass voice, but Barron shut his ears and would not listen, closing his eyes and letting his horse take the road along the mountain trail.