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n. (plural of tulwar English)

Usage examples of "tulwars".

Of Seven Cities blood, the Guards had hitched their round shields and unsheathed their tulwars, waving the broad, curving blades threateningly at the Wickans, who answered with barking challenges.

They confronted Fiddler with tulwars raised as the crowd of children dispersed on all sides, suddenly silent and watchful.

They were well armed, with pikes in their hands and tulwars at their hips.

List stood with Captain Lull at one end of the Marine encampment, close to the attachment of loyal Hissari Guardswhose soldiers were readying their tulwars and round shields in grim silence.

They wore pot helms with bridge-guards, full shirts of mail, and broad-bladed tulwars at their hips.

The four guards, all of them armed with fire locks and tulwars, watched the British soldiers walk out of sight.

The curved blades of their drawn tulwars glittered like their plumed helmets which rose to a sharp point decorated with a crest.

Sharpe called urgently, for, not two hundred paces away, the first enemy horsemen had emerged from the gully with their tulwars and lances bright in the afternoon sun, and now were spurring towards Wellesley.

The cavalry should have sheered away at the sight of the square, but they had seen the earlier slaughter and thought to add to it, and so they dipped their penn anted lances, raised their tulwars and screamed their war cries as they galloped straight towards the redcoats.

Some Mahratta cavalry bravely tried to stem the charge, but their light tulwars were no match for Sheffield steel.